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    Security: Intrusion

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    ‎05-24-2018 08:32 PM
    What steps are required to program the ITI wireless points on a D2000 Series panel? D2212,D2412,5600E,D223A,D208RF,D216RF,D222A
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    ‎05-23-2018 08:38 PM
    What does the partial light flashing mean on the keypad, and how is it cleared? DS7100
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    ‎05-23-2018 08:34 PM
    How to locate User Authority settings for Cycle, Unlock and Secure door in the D5200 Programmer.
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    ‎05-22-2018 03:56 PM
    Issue Installing a used CPU with unknown programming. Solution CPU can have the RAM cleared. Procedure: * This should be done with the CPU off the panel. With the CPU removed off the panel, remove the shroud; find CR2 and U8 on the circuit board. Place a 3 sec short across the banded end of CR2 and the center pin of U8. This will erase ALL Ram memory. Part numbers D8105, D8107, D8112, D8112A, D8112E, D8112E1, D8112G, D8112G1, D8112G2
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    ‎05-22-2018 03:56 PM
    Part numbers D7212B, D9112B, D7212B1, D9112B1, D7212, D7412, D9112, D9124, D9412, D7412G, D9124G, D9412G, D7412GV2, D9124GV2, D9412GV2, D7412GV3, D9412GV3, D7412GV4, D9412GV4,
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    ‎05-21-2018 05:49 PM
    How is the D9210B reset? D9412,D9210B,D7412G,D7412,D9412GV2,D7412GV2,D9412GV3,D7412GV3
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    ‎05-18-2018 04:55 PM
    How is a Power Supply used in conjuction with a G Series Panel and any type of Data Devices (SDI bus, zonex 1 and zonex 2)? D7412G,D9412G,D7212G,D7212GV2,D7212GV3,D7212GV4,D7412GV2,D7412GV3,D7412GV4,D9412GV2,D9412GV3,D9412GV4
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    ‎05-18-2018 04:05 PM
    What does FA MAX stand for? D9112, D9412G, D7412G, D4112, D6112, D7212,7212B, D7212B1, D7212G, D7412, D8112E1, D8112G1, D8112G2, D9112B, D9112B1, D9412, D7112,8112A,D9412GV2,D7412GV2,D7212GV2,D9412GV3,D7412GV3,D7212GV3,,D9412GV4,D7412GV4,D7212GV4
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    ‎05-18-2018 04:05 PM
    The panel will not dial out over the primary phone line. D7412G,D9412G,D7212G,D7212,D7412,D9112,D9412
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    ‎05-17-2018 09:14 PM
    How is a point index set up for an Interior Follower on a B panel and on a 7000/9000 series panel? D9412, D9412G, D7412G, D7212, D7212B, D7212B1, D7212G, D7412, D9112, D9112B, D9112B1, 5800B, 5800B1, 5900B1, 5900B, 5800C, 5900C, 5900G
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    ‎05-17-2018 09:13 PM
    The central station is only getting the last three digits of a 4 digit account #. How is the full 4 digit account # reporting enabled at the receiver? D8112G2
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    ‎05-17-2018 04:50 PM
    Can a 24 hour point be programmed as local and can it also be bypassed D8112G2,D8112E1,D8112G1
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    ‎07-23-2018 03:48 PM
    How to interpret the keypad display: SERVC 9210.
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    ‎07-11-2018 06:35 PM
    Issue What is the 8 zone expansion module that is used on the DS7080IP32 control panel?   Solution   The EX8 would be the 8 zone expander module used to expand the DS7080IP32 panel. This expander wires on the keypad bus and can be addressed as 9-16 with no jumper (module address 101) or 17-24 with a jumper across pins 1 (module address 102), or zones 25-32 with a jumper across pins 2 (module address 103). You must use 9-16 first and power must be cycled after address changes for them to take effect.
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    ‎07-11-2018 05:23 PM
    How to interpret the Alert Light flashing the DS7100 panel keypad after disarming. DS7140,DS7100.
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    ‎07-10-2018 06:26 PM
    Issue How do I program the output on a D4412/D6412 panel for resetting the power on a 4 wire smoke detector?   Solution   When using 4 wire smoke detectors on a D4412/D6412 panel, use output function type FIRE VERIFICATION ( 1,13 ). This will give you a 15 second activation when CMD 47 is entered at the command center. This can be used with output PO1. If using Po2, Po 3, or Po 4 outputs a D133 or D134 Relay will be needed.
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    ‎07-10-2018 04:41 PM
    How to correct the D4412/D6412 only reporting to one destination and not following programmed routing.
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    ‎07-02-2018 09:47 PM
    Overview: Internal testing has found that if a D9210B (version 1.08 firmware) is currently in the energized state and a Reset is performed on the panel (manual reset using the reset switch or a Reset-Bye using RAM/RPS), the D9210B may deenergize the Lock Relay after a 30-minute delay. This is due to a firmware issue in the D9210B. Issue After manual reset, the lock output denergizes after 30 minutes. What causes this?      
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    ‎07-02-2018 09:20 PM
    Issue What readers are compatable with the D9210B Interface Module?   Solution   Refer to the Data Sheet below.
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    ‎07-02-2018 04:17 PM
    Issue Can not get some of the functions to work on the command center. Overveiw: Some functions require you to enter single partition mode when using a master keypad. Soultion The following command require that you are in single partition mode when entering from a master keypad. ( valid code ## ) History read-back Chime mode Checking zone status Checking zone troubles status Bypassing zones      Part numbers DS7400X, DS7400, DS7400Xi, DS7400XIVER2, DS7400XIVER3+, DS7400XIVER4+, DS7447, DS745, DS7447E,  
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