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    Security: Intrusion

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    ‎05-15-2018 05:13 PM
    This Setup & Troubleshooting guide for the B426/B420 Conettix Ethernet Communication Module contains valuable instructions for configuring the IP Communicator.  Included are detailed instructions for using the web interface on SDI bus configurations as well as panel programming for SDI2 bus configurations.  Configurations for remote programming and central station reporting are also included.
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    ‎07-31-2018 10:42 PM
    How to configure the RK40 iCLASS pin reader for 26-bit output. ARD-RK40-09, ARD-RK40-14
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    ‎08-16-2023 07:58 PM
    How to set and View Date and Time using the D1255 Keypad.
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    ‎06-13-2023 08:20 PM
    How to configure Door Control on both sides of a door with B8512G, B9512G or B6512 panels. How to configure Door Control for Card-In and Card-Out with B8512G, B9512G or B6512 panels. How to configure Access Control for Card-In / Card-Out with B8512G, B9512G or B6512 panels.
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    ‎07-11-2018 05:38 PM
    Issue How do I reset the command center sounder and memory display? Solution Reset Command Center Sounders*Reset Alarm Memory Display COMMAND 4 performs two functions for your security system. Use this command to silence your Command Center sounder during service alert, and to reset the Command Center alarm memory. To use COMMAND 4: 1. Ensure that your security system is disarmed. 2. Press the COMMAND bar. The Command Mode indicator light comes on. 3. Press the 4 key. The Command Center sounder is silenced and any flashing Zone Status indicator lights are turned off if the zone is normal.
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    ‎11-05-2020 10:49 PM
    How to troubleshoot common causes of DX4010V2 failing to connect to RPS. Invalid RPS Passcode DX4010V2 Compatible Panels Port in use by other device Subscript out of Range
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    ‎07-11-2018 06:15 PM
    Issue How is the D6112 armed and disarmed? Solution Arming Your Security System Your security system can be armed in many different ways, depending on the arming command used. Arming commands are those commands used to arm the system. The most basic arming command is to arm the entire system. This is done by entering your personal passcode and pressing ENT or by entering COMMAND 1. To ARM your security system: Enter your personal passcode and press ENT or enter an Arming Command. Your system may be programmed to send a "closing" report to the Central  Station when arming. Disarming Your Security System Your security system is disarmed by entering your personal passcode and pressing ENT. When your system is armed, you must enter the premises through a designated entry door to prevent an immediate instant alarm condition. Opening the door starts an entry delay time and the Command Center emits a pulsing "beep" tone to remind you to disarm the system. Entering your personal passcode and pressing ENT before the delay time expires and the system will disarm. If you enter through a wrong door or fail to disarm the system before the entry delay expires, you will generate an immediate alarm. To DISARM your security system: Enter your personal passcode and press ENT. Your system may be programmed to send an "opening" report to the Central Station when disarming.
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    ‎07-10-2018 08:01 PM
    Issue How do I turn the Chime Mode ON and OFF on the Easy Series Control panel?   Solution   Follow the steps below to turn the Chime Mode ON and OFF on the Easy Series Control panel: Hold the 4 key down on the keypad for 2-3 seconds and the panel will go into the Chime Mode sequence. Once in there you will press the 4 key as needed to turn the Chime Mode to either the ON or OFF position.
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    ‎06-20-2018 04:40 PM
    When trying to send or receive with a handheld programmer, or trying to connect with any version of RAM, invalid datalock is indicated. RAM IV - D5370,RAMIV,RAMIII,RAMII,RAMIV LITE,RAM,RPS,RPS LITE,D5200
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    ‎05-15-2018 02:51 PM
    Configure Remote Security Control Related Products Remote Security Control RPS Remote Programming Software B4512 B5512 B6512 B8512G B9512G D7212GV4 D7412GV4 D9412GV4
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    ‎06-28-2018 06:25 PM
    Overview: Missing points are points that are turned on in programming via the Point Index assigned to anything other than 0  and cannot be found by the panel on the Zonex Loop. This problem may have a number of causes such as; the point is actually not in the field, is wired incorrectly, has a faulty addressing device such as its POPIT or Octopopit, or there may be noise in the data loop. When Points go missing, the panel generates responses based on the point type. Fire points generate Missing Trouble responses, non-fire 24 hour points will generate Missing Alarm responses. Points that are neither Fire nor 24 hour points will generate Missing Alarms when armed and Trouble when disarmed. Issue Panel history shows Missing Alarm. What does it mean? Solution This problem may have a number of causes such as; the point is actually not in the field, is wired incorrectly, has a faulty addressing device such as its POPIT or Octopopit, or there may be noise on the zonex data loop in the field. New Installs - Only a few missing , verify the popits are addressed and wired to the correct zonex loop. (9000 Series Panels Zonex 1 is Addresses 9 to 127 and Zonex 2 is 129 to 247). If all on the same wire run verify the wiring from the last working popit to the first missing popit. Exsisting Install that all was working - All popits missing - Remove all wire from the Zonex terminals for the missing popits (9000 Series Panels Zonex 1 is Addresses 9 to 127 and Zonex 2 is 129 to 247). Only wire the D8125 to the correct Zonex (Out of the panel to In of the D8125  and In of the panel to Out of the D8125). This would remove any D8128 Octopopit Modules and D8129 Relay Modules from the Zonex. Next, remove all loop wiring from the + /- Terminals of the D8125. Using View Point Status fro the Keypad or RPS verify the State of all the popits on the loop by add ing 1 loop at a time until you connect the loop or loops that are causing all to go missing. Once you have the bad loop or loops isolated - Divide and conquor the loop. Go out halpf way and open the loop if the points work go out further on the loop if still missing move back toward the panel and open the loop.
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    ‎07-27-2018 08:15 PM
    How to connect to RPS using the IP Communicator.
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    ‎09-08-2021 06:52 PM
    How to share an RPS dongle across the network. D5500CU, D5370-USB, D5370-LPT, D5360 Sentinel Protection Hardware Key Dongle
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    ‎06-19-2018 10:10 PM
    How to determine which pins of the RJ45 and RJ11 are used for Tip and Ring or Tip-House/Ring-House.
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    ‎07-11-2018 02:36 PM
    How to correct the correctly programmed D1260 displays 'CALL FOR SERVICE'. The D1260 displays CALL FOR SERVICE even though it is programmed correctly.  
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    ‎05-23-2018 08:20 PM
    How can the command center be cleared after an alarm condition on the 7000/9000 series panels?  D7412G,D9412G,D9412,D7412,D7212,D7212G,D9412GV2,D7412GV2,D7212GV2,D9412GV3,D7412GV3,D7212GV3,D9412GV4,D7412GV4,D7212GV4,D1255,D1260
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    ‎05-15-2018 04:49 PM
    How to use use LAN Test or WAN Test diagnostic tools and what it means when a test fails. 
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    ‎05-30-2018 08:43 PM
    Related Products D8125 D9127
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    ‎06-17-2018 10:13 PM
    Part numbers D7212B, D9112B, D7212B1, D9112B1, D7212, D7412, D9112, D9124, D9412, D7412G, D7412G, D9124G, D9412G, D7412GV2, D7412GV2, D9124GV2, D9412GV2, D7412GV3,D7412GV3, D9412GV3, D7412GV4, D7412GV4, D9412GV4,
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    ‎06-13-2018 04:15 PM
    How to prevent arming Perimeter Delayed when attempting to Master Arm. The keypad Shows Perimeter Delayed after Arming with a Passcode and Enter.
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