How to determine why Central Station doesn't receive supervisory events sent with BFSK format.
When sending signals using BFSK format, the central station does not receive Supervisory events.
How is the phone line monitor turned on or off in programming?
DS7100 version 5.03 or higher.
The phone line monitor feature has been enhanced to provide output to allow enabling or disabling of the featrure through programming and to automatically reset after the phone line is restrored.
The feature is controlled in data digit 2 of program address 89.
To enable the phone line fault monitor without an audible output, program line 89 as 0200.
To enable the phone line fault monitor with a keypad warning beep when the system is disarmed and siren output when the system is armed, program line 89 as 0600.
To disable phone line fault monitor program line 89 as 0000.
How to correct custom functions that execute when A, B or C keys are pressed on the D720.
D1256 Command Center functions are Executing when A, B or C Keys on a D720 are pressed.
How to correct when the Independent Zone Controller point never restores to normal.
The panel point that uses a D279 or D279A never shows normal even though the Independent Zone Controller points are all normal.
How to determine the max distance the DX3010 can be remote located from the control panel.
The maximum distance that the DX3010 can be remote located from the control panel is determined by whether or not an auxiliary power supply is used to power the DX3010.
The D5200 programmer does not program a panel passcode.
D7212G,D9412G,D7412G,D7212,D7412,D9112,D9412,5800C,5900C,5900G,D5200,D9412GV2,D7412GV2,D7212GV2,D9412GV3,D7412GV3,D7212GV3 Version 8.00 to 8.09