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    Security: Access Control

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    ‎05-13-2021 08:38 AM
    Below is a image which gives an overview of the AMC power supply consumption requirements: Typical IClass readers consume .78VA average and slightly over 1VA at maximum. The ARD-FPBEW2-H2 Bio Reader has an average of 7.2 VA average and almost 8VA maximum.
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    ‎05-11-2021 09:33 AM
    This article explains the integration of B/G intrusion panels in AMS.   The integration of B/G intrusion panels AMS requires the installation of the intrusion RPS API version V2.1.25920 or later only applies to AMS 3.01 version of AMS and for version 3.0 the API version is V2.1.25454, also the earlier AMS 3.0 version RPS cannot be installed on the same PC. For small installations it is possible to install AMS and RPS on the same computer, with the following prerequisites: • AMS has never been installed on that computer • SQL Server database has never been installed on that computer • You install RPS before AMS The RPS API must be installed on the same computer as the RPS tool. The RPS tool is needed to configure and manage the communication with the B/G panels. The RPS API conveys communications from AMS to the RPS tool, which then communicates with the panels. SDK communication to the B/G panels is integrated in AMS. No separate installation is required, but Mode2 and a Automation Pass-code must be enabled on the panel   Step-by-step guide   1. Install the RPS API on the RPS Computer 2. Make sure that these processes are running on the RPS PC 3. Set the Automation Device and change the default password. While you are in RPS, also set the date and time of the intrusion panel. After you finished the work in RPS, load the configuration to the panel and disconnect the RPS from it. 4. AMS > Configuration > Panels > RPS API configuration menu Set-up the connection parameters to connect AMS to RPS API "rpspc" is the name of the PC on which RPS and RPS API are running User name to login to RPS - Default: Admin Password to login to RPS - Default: 1111 Press to test the connection Test is successful: 5. AMS > Configuration > Panels > Panel administration menu Define: To which division of AMS the intrusion panel shall belong to Whether you want the panel users managed from AMS (Under administration) Whether you want the panel to be the part of MapView The access data to the panel 6. AMS > Configuration > Panels > Panel administration menu Define the access data to the panel Use the password you defined in RPS for the Automation Mode 2 Device connection 7. AMS > System data > Authorization profiles for panels menu: Create authorization profiles and assign area(s) of panel(s) to it. Define to which user group of the intrusion panel will be this Authorization profile assigned 8. AMS > Personnel data > Card menu, Intrusion tab: If the selected Cardholder is planned to be a Intrusion panel user as well, then select the checkbox and define the necessary data. Only the Pass-code the Language are mandatory, the rest can be left blank 9. It is manddatory that the date and time settings are properly set at the intrusion panel and synchronized with AMS Server 10. Until the RPS is connected to the intrusion panel, AMS cannot synchroniza with the panel.
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    ‎05-11-2021 08:38 AM
    Causes   An HTTP 500 error is an Internal Server Error.  The root cause of the issue in this case is that there is not enough space left in the AEMC storage.   Solution   There is a setting in the AEMC/Allplex system to overcome the insufficient space problem. The user will have to configure the following setting in the server setup --> housekeeping section. You will need to define the number of days to keep the database. The default value is unlimited.   Log into the AEMC/Allplex and select "Server setup" from the options on the left. Then select "Housekeeping" from the options on the top.   Housekeeping Housekeeping allows the user to manage the Activity Log and Audit Log in the system. User can delete the unwanted logs that are no longer required manually as well as to specify the number of days of the logs to be kept in the system and the system will store the logs of only the most recent specified number of days in the system.   How to Use the Auto Housekeep? Choose the number of days of both the Activity Log and Audit Log to be kept in the system. User are given a choice of 30, 60, 90 and 120 days. For example, if user chooses 30 days, the system will automatically delete the Activity and Audit Logs from the system if they are more than 30 days from today's date. User can also choose unlimited, which means the system will not delete the logs from the system.      2. Click on the floppy disk button to save the settings.
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    ‎05-11-2021 08:31 AM
    Question   What readers are currently supported with AMS   Answer   Below is the "current" list of readers that are supported with AMS. This may be subject to change as more readers are tested and approved.  
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    ‎05-31-2018 03:58 PM
    Article offers possible solutions to security escort communications error count.
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    ‎05-31-2018 03:55 PM
    Security escort CD part number.
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    ‎05-31-2018 03:52 PM
    Password restrictions for rdkypro versions prior to 6.4
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    ‎05-31-2018 03:44 PM
    Describes how to troubleshoot offline readers in rdkypro
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    ‎05-31-2018 03:20 PM
    Articles describes how to troubleshoot rdkyprosoftware connection errors
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    ‎05-31-2018 03:16 PM
    Article describes how to add rdkypro ack notes
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    ‎05-31-2018 03:12 PM
    How to enable SE2-304 features
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    ‎05-31-2018 03:07 PM
    Describes how to setup rdkypro elevator control, without floor tracking.
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    ‎05-31-2018 02:54 PM
    Article describes how to add a subscriber to security escort.
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    ‎05-31-2018 02:49 PM
    Article describes how to enable rdkypro times anti-passback
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    ‎05-31-2018 02:45 PM
    Describes what the relay configurations are for the LNL 1320.
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    ‎05-31-2018 02:41 PM
    Security escort default login.
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    ‎05-31-2018 02:38 PM
    Describes how to setup rdkypro manual card entry.
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    ‎05-31-2018 02:35 PM
    Article states spacing for "Outdoor" receivers.
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    ‎05-31-2018 02:31 PM
    Possible solution to rdkypro pin codes not working.
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    ‎03-31-2021 09:57 PM
    1. Create a day model. Go to “System Data” and then “Calendar” Figure 1. Click on “Day Models” Figure 2. Click the “Create new” button Assign a name to the Day Model. Add a description and fill the intervals as needed In this example we are only creating one interval from 8 am to 5 pm. If needed, up to three intervals can be created in the same Day Model Click Save Figure 3. 2. Create a Time Model. Click “Time Models” Click the “Create new” button Assign a name to the Time Model. Add a description Select the number of days in the Period Select a reference date (select a past date and not a future date). Figure 4. Assign the Day Model to each day of the period as needed and click save Figure 5. Note: to verify the Time model is correct, click the preview button and confirm the dates match. The predefined holidays are shown below, assign the desired Day Model to apply on those days If holidays are not needed, click the “ignore special days” checkbox Figure 6.
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