How is the phone line monitor turned on or off in programming?
DS7100 version 5.03 or higher.
The phone line monitor feature has been enhanced to provide output to allow enabling or disabling of the featrure through programming and to automatically reset after the phone line is restrored.
The feature is controlled in data digit 2 of program address 89.
To enable the phone line fault monitor without an audible output, program line 89 as 0200.
To enable the phone line fault monitor with a keypad warning beep when the system is disarmed and siren output when the system is armed, program line 89 as 0600.
To disable phone line fault monitor program line 89 as 0000.
How does the phone line monitor for the DS7100 operate?
If the monitor detects a phone line fault for more than 50 seconds, the power LED will begin to flash. If the audible output has been enabled in line 89, the keypad sounder will pulse every ten seconds if the control is disarmed. If the panel is armed, the siren output will activate.
To ascertain if the trouble condition is indeed a phone line failure, enter # 87 at the keypad. The display will indicate "Communication Failure".
If the "System Trouble Report" (line 51) is programmed the system will try to send this report.
A phone line failure may be caused by:
A cut or missing phone line.
A reversed connection (Tip, and Ring Reversed)
A miswired jack
To clear the error;
Determine the cause of the failure and eliminate the cause.
After eliminating the cause of the failure, wait at least ten seconds.
The error will clear if the problem has been eliminated and the LED will stop flashing provided a failure has not occurred on the central station phone numbers. If a failure has occurred at the central station restore by entering # 87 * at the keypad.
Is there a list of commands for the DS panels?
DS Commands
DS7090, DS7090I, and DS7100
Command 1 Arm All
Command 2 Instant Arm
Command 3 Delay Arm
Command 4 Custom Arm
Command 5 Custom Arm
Command 6 Custom Arm
Command 7 Alert Mode (chime mode)
Command 9 Zone Bypassing
Command 81 Area Test
Command 89 History
Command 89* History Reset
Command 80 Battery Test
Command 82 Communicator Test
Command 80 Fire Reset
Command 84 Indicator Light and Display Test
Command 83 Remote Program Dial Out
Command 86 Remote Program Answer
Command 85 Siren Test
Command 87 Trouble Display
Command 87* Trouble Display Reset
How can a SKED be disabled or changed?
How to lock access to the panel program to prevent take overs.
D9112B1, D2012, D2112, D2212, D2412, D2812, D7212B, D7212B1, D8112G2L, D9112, D9112B, D9112B1