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    Release Notes - Bosch Remote Portal




    Remote Portal is a Bosch web portal for device management, activation of services and management of software licenses, allowing end-users to easily connect to all devices registered to the platform. Based on the Bosch Security Cloud, you can configure, troubleshoot, and update supported devices using the browser-based interface or standard tools. With one click on Remote Portal, you can activate additional value-added services such as Video View+, Alarm Management, AI Alarm Verification, Camera Counter reports, and Remote System Management for DIVAR IP devices without going on-site again. Thanks to a comprehensive user management feature, rights and permissions can be tailored to the set-up of a technician organization and end-user requirements.






    Remote Portal - Year 2024


    Remote Portal - Version 2.130


    Date of deployment RP version


    with Domain, Component Initiative and RP-instance

    Online Help Remote Portal

    Vulnerability  Improvements
















































    • Remote Portal
      • Change to new corporate address
      • Optimized check of devices assigned to user 
      • Single Key ID User name is now shown differently
      • IdP login authentication improved

    • DivarIP System Management
      • Inventory Report offers proper pagination
      • Alert history improved with one alert in a single row

    • Cloud Service Licensing
      • Alarm Management Demo Licenses are correctly assigned, expired & auto-renewed
      • Legacy RP-Banners are switched ´Off´

    • Fire
      • Remote Alert - Event file is consistently generated every day

    •  Admin Portal:
      • Account details are now changeable again

    • Intrusion

      • Improve intrusion devices table performance

    • Configuration Manager

      • Enable Configuration Manager to provision cameras with UserHub/IdP user

    Remote Portal - Version 2.129


    Date of deployment RP version


    with Domain, Component Initiative and RP-instance

    Online Help Remote Portal

    Vulnerability  Improvements


    16 July 2024
































































    • SW Licensing
      • Improve entitlement performance on editing, activations & upgrades for better SW-Vers. display in RP: Improve ´Installation-site´, ´installation-comments´ changes
      • Offer new SLMS-entitlement-migration supporting now product combinations of 2 products such as SLMS BIS5.0 incl. ACE to RP-EMS BIS 6.0 & AMS 6.0 (Upcoming 2.Q´25 for SW-Upgrades)
    • IPP AI-Cloud-Service Licensing
      • New Service Product introduction of 2 new commercial Licenses:
        • CBS-AAV-PER
        • CBS-AAV-VGD
        • Attention: Only 1 DEMO CTN available
    • Cloud Service Licensing
      • Show all DivarIP Cloud Services in System-Tab
      • Improve activation and linking of advanced Video Services with new optional linking of regional and analytic video service
      • Mass Activation of all single step VSaaS Alarm Management-Services: 
        • Alarm Management,
        • Alarm Monitoring and
        • Alarm Transmission
      • Improve the re-subscription of IPP-AI-service
    • VideoView+: Video Security Client
      • Optimize performance of large User-Groups
      • Optimize status display to user devices
    • Divar IP Cloud Services
      • Offer "Configure Service" button only for active SVV+ services
      • Show SVV+ service status 
      • Inventory report for e.g. DIPs are now displayed properly in the different pages (pagination) 
    • Misc
      • VSaaS allows from now on only to add RP-Cams and no more directly connected Cameras (EOL of new DL-Cams) via MAC-Address
      • SW-License Activation supports now special characters from the different languages
      • The legacy Bosch-customer-Partner-Portal ´verify account´ has been removed due to EOL

    Mass Activation Tutorial
































    16 July 2024




















    • VV+ Service VSC
      • Improve  Performance
    • Service Licensing
      • Mass Activation of all single step VSaaS Alarm Management-Services: 
        • Alarm Management,
        • Alarm Monitoring and
        • Alarm Transmission
      • Expiration Mail supports more chars
      • Introduction of new Cloud-Service Channel Licenses e.g. for AI-Alarm-Verification-demo
      • Improve the re-subscription of IPP-AI-service
      • Admin-Portal:Allow a maximum of less than 10.000 cloud-licenses
    • Cloud Services
      • Remote Alert: Upgrade Google Firebase Push Notification API

    VV+Service Description












    Remote Portal - Version 2.127


    Date of deployment RP version


    with Domain, Component Initiative and RP-instance

    Online Help Remote Portal

    Vulnerability  Improvements


    27 Jun 2024




    • Remote Portal General
      • Improve Performance 
        • Optimize User Groups performance

    21 Jun 2024


    • Remote Portal General
      • Improve Performance 

    04 Jun 2024


























































    • SW Licensing
      • Block unfinished Entitlements other than ´completed´ from activation such as ´draft´ or ´disabled´ with error message
      • The edit button for revoked activations (commercial and demo licenses) is now disabled with a tooltip "Edit not possible due to activation status" for any updates
      • Improvements on the editing of SW-Orders with message  "Insert a valid Software Order ID" error due to empty spaces
      • Assurance Report is improved and not created in case of corrupted product entries such as emergencies with the following message: "Assurance report could not be generated, because System Fingerprint has no eligible activations"
      •  The activation comment is now correctly shown in the activation details page
    • Fire
      • Remote Alert Events file has been improved that it´s generated in all cases automatically
      • E-Mail notifications offer now the new Bosch Mail template

    Divar IP Device & System Management:

    • Show only the Update-package "BVMS Patch" if the version matches the installed BVMS version on the DIVAR IP
    •  Update all DiP texts to DIVAR IP
    •  ´Remove´- button allows now to delete the Cloud-Services ´Remote System Management
    • VideoView+ & Cloud Services
      • Deleting a camera from Remote Portal moves assigned Cloud-Service licenses such as VV+ back to the pool
      • When adding an ´advanced Cloud Service´ and Instance Link, the name of the instance needs to be given































    Remote Portal - Version 2.126


    Date of deployment RP version


    with Domain, Component Initiative and RP-instance

    Online Help Remote Portal

    Vulnerability  Improvements


    14 May 2024


























    • RP Platform
      • Ember 3.25 UI-Framework Update 
      • Updated Icons  for Flexidome and Dinion Inteox 7100i
      • Camera Firmware update status improved for success
    • Divar IP Device & System Managemetn
      • Remote Alert page improved 
      • Improved Device-Dialog when closing DiP & attached devices popup
    • VideoView+
      • New blue Info Banner is shown to new Admins and Technicians with free VV+ Trial licenses available, when no Push Configuration has been done before
      • Renaming of ´Cloud VMS´ to ´Alarm Management´
      • Licensing API: Allow VSaaS to expire device licenses
    Remote Portal - Version 2.125


    Date of deployment RP version


    with Domain, Component Initiative and RP-instance

    Online Help Remote Portal

    Vulnerability  Improvements


    23 Apr 2024


















































































    • VideoView+
      • Major mobile+ Launch & Announcement
      • New Service name ´Video View+´
      • VV+ Licenses available for purchase and needed for continued BVSC use
      • One free VV+ Trial license for 30 days for every new device is added to the licensing pool. This license now needs to be activated manually and is not activated automatically anymore
      • Installers (Admins & Technicians) with recently connected cameras are directed via blue info-banner to activate & configure advanced video cloud services (VideoView+, CloudVMS, VSaaS) especially to make use of the 30 days free trial period in combination with the Video Apps (Site Monitor & Video Security Client)
      • Installers are guided to simply add a multitenant VSaaS Instance (in their preferred region (EU,NA,AP) to their RP-Account
    • Intrusion
      • Offer new Demo-product ´Central Receiver B6800´
    • Fire
        • Remote Alert Events file has been improved that it´s generated in all cases automatically
    • SW Licensing
      • Extend search filter to include product name

      • Offer new Demo-product ´Central Receiver B6800
      • an initial help card is shown as for other RP Tabs
    • Remote Portal General
      • Terms & Conditions offer now direct links to service descriptions
        • User Hub & Single Key ID
          • For Camera commissioning and legacy applications such as Config Manager CM the technical password validity has been extended from 2 to 8 hours
    • Enterprise customers with IdP Integration (>1000 Cameras)
      • The advanced feature ´User Group Management´ is offered only for enterprise customers
    • Cloud Service Licensing

      • AI Alarm Verification VMS Licenses (Visual Gun Detection & Alarm Verification / Perimeter) can be activated for PoC purposes

    • DiP System & Device Management SDM

      • The progress spinner has been improved on successful provisioning

      • For deleting multiple DiPs a confirmation is now required

    How to configure VideoView+ service for Remote Portal features only (w/o push alarm notification ser...


    How to configure the VideoView+ service incl. push alarm notification?


    BT Product News VideoView - flexible Event Handling


    Datasheet VideoView+


    Cloud Service Descriptions:




































































    Remote Portal - Version 2.124


    Date of deployment RP version


    with Domain, Component Initiative and RP-instance

    Online Help Remote Portal

    Vulnerability  Improvements


    02 Apr 2024












































































    • Single Key ID for Remote Poral
      • Launch of SingleKeyID Authentication for RP users for:
        • Remote Portal Web Users
        • VSaaS Alarm Management
        • Fire and Intrusion Users incl. Apps
        • VSC Remote Connect (incl Advance Video View w/o push notifcations)
      • Support of RP techncal users (username, password) continued for
        • VSaaS Site Monitor App
        • Config Manager
        • etc
      • Support of SingleKey ID as the digital identity platform with single sign-on capabilities for an easy access with one digital identity for many Bosch applications. Avoid to maintain many different digital identities and login credentials to connect all digital Bosch applications to a seamless IoT- and Building Management-ecosystem
    • Fire
      • Performance improvement for RFS-App API for larger Company accounts
    • SW-Licensing
      • The License-Activations and -entitlement CSV -export has been improved with a Banner signaling the ongoing export activity (e.g. 5s for 200 activations) and close of Dialogue

    • Cloud Service Licenses 
      • All Cloud Service Licenses can can now be managed and deleted as well in list view
    • Divar IP System & Device Management 
      • The RSM Cloud Service Licenses can now be managed and deleted as well in list view
      • The SDM-Activation Dialog has been updated and harmonized with the other Cloud services. It shows now only relevant DiP licenses for the specifc model
      • Cloud Connector is now in sync with local broker e.g. when down
      • Progress Spinner is now in sync with the successful provisioning
      • Uplink connector accesses sucessfully the device certificate
      • Uplink connector Status and System-health improved
      • AWS IoT Suite provisioning has been improved, not to allow activations upfront
    • Mobile+ Advance Video View for VSC
      • Update "add link" success feedback message
    • Remote Portal
      • updated Inteox 7100i device icons
      • User Self-Revoking and-deletion from company
      • Updated EMEA- & North American Remote Portal Terms & Conditions








































    Remote Portal - Version 2.123


    Date of deployment RP version


    with Domain, Component Initiative and RP-instance

    Online Help Remote Portal

    Vulnerability  Improvements


    12 Mar 2024




















    • SW Monetarization Improvements (for BVMS, AMS, IVA-Pro etc.):
    • Video Cloud Services incl. VideoView+ 
      • Many cameras can now be added to Counter Report
    • User Groups

      • User group can be deleted directly from device
      • User creation from VSC endpoints is populating wrongly first name
    • Divar IP System & Device Management
      • Improved the RP User Interface refreshing
      • New icon for  DIPs

      • Re-Registering of some DiPs due to the IoT Suite Migration was improved

    Remote Portal - Version 2.122


    Date of deployment RP version


    with Domain, Component Initiative and RP-instance

    Online Help Remote Portal

    Vulnerability  Improvements


    20 Feb 2024






























    • SW Monetarization Improvements (for BVMS, AMS, IVA-Pro etc.):
      • SW-License Export for Activations offers now the new columns "Installation comments" and "Product sub family" 

    • Remote Portal Master Data
      • Configure Services (Video View+)
        • Mass VV+ permissions now with Permission Chips
        • ´Select all´ improved after "cancel"
        • improvement on disabled buttons
      • Table views:
        • Site Table: Offline filtering offers row selection
        • Update of user group table on log in
      • Groups:
        • Moving device only to groups, which are existing
        • Editing user groups improved
        • User group creation supported for groups with same label in different company
    Remote Portal - Version 2.121


    Date of deployment RP version


    with Domain, Component Initiative and RP-instance

    Online Help Remote Portal

    Vulnerability  Improvements


    15 Feb 2024




    Support of AWS IoT Suite

    Banner & Announcement of IoT Suite change with termination of all existing connections for DiP AIO


    30 Jan 2024








    Remote Portal Master Data

    Improved Groups Table Sorting

    New Mass User Permission configuration Filter ´user-cathegory´ for Advance Video View


    Remote Portal - Older Versions (Year 2023)


    Date of deployment RP version


    with Domain, Component Initiative and RP-instance

    Online Help Remote Portal

    Vulnerability  Improvements



    Remote Portal - Version 2.120

    11 Jan 2024






    Update of the Video Platform (only VR, no Remote Portal changes)

    Restructuring Camera Device Layer DL (for direct VPN VSaaS-Camera connections in VPN, MPLS, etc.)

    General Improvements


    19 Dec 2023














    Technician users can now update gateways/DiPs and cameras

    Improved Progress Indicator for Gateway SW updates

    Introduce improved management of RP permissions for VideoView+

    Mass selection of multiple devices and users

    User Filtering by Name and Mail

    Preselect existing VideoView+ permissions

    BT Product News VideoView - flexible Event Handling






    Remote Portal - Version 2.119


    28 Nov 2023
































    IPP AI-Gateway:

    Allow Licensing for AI-Alarm-Verification now as well for Intergration Partner Program IPP Systems first in prototypes and PoCs

    SW Monetarization Improvements (for BVMS, AMS, IVA-Pro etc.):

    Offer one Demo-Licence for IVA-Pro e.g. one for all variants

    Extend (BVMS-)Activations Export now with quantities especially for large partners

    AMS- & BVMS 1-step Demo Update-Activation incl. newest Vers.

    Cloud Service Licensing

    Improved/Additional Cloud-Service expiry period display

    Support of AWS IoT Suite

    Banner & Announcement of upcomming IoT Suite change for DiP AIO


    Connect DIP to RP via SysManager

















    Remote Portal - Version 2.118



    14 Nov 2023


























    Final Improvements for Mass Activations getting blocked, if there are any ongoing, pending or already done cloud-service activations to avoid duplicate license use


    Improved Panel Icons for FPA 5055

    RP offers now new SW-EULA-Workflow

    System & Device Management

    Performance Optimizationse & Improvements for large scale Divar IP installations with e.g. 1000 units:



    Connection setup and  connectivity spinner

    Deletion and Import of Sites














    Remote Portal - Version 2.117


    26 Oct 2023


    Improvement on the User Invitation Workflow



    19 Oct 2023












































    End of ´free use´ of Video View -Services for User Hub IdP customers using Remote Connect services in combination with BVSC. Please take care of purchasing & activating the Advanced Video View License

    Advanced Video View trial license will be deleted when deleting camera device (no reassignment of trial to other/same devices)

    For Mass activation of services the auto-renew (default:on) is now stored more reliably

    Feedback banner with ´started...´ will offer VMS-URL to start configuration

    New UI-Design for Wizard-Dialogs (new button-style, info- tooltip etc.)

    Cloud license can not be assigned twice to same camera anymore

    Improve SW-Licensing and IVA-Pro transactions in bulk activations

    Alarm Transmitter & AI-licenses will expire now after the full licensing period, together with the parent license ´Alarm-Management´

    Fix typos in the service expiration email (Services & SMA´s)

    Offer FAP-425 detectors for threshold evaluation for the temperature, EMC and chemical values 

    external API (RPC,RPS) now supports SingleKeyID authentication with userhub tokens   




    Remote Portal - Version 2.116


    09 Oct 2023


    Improve Mobile+ Advanced Video View Mass-Activation with auto-renew

    Improve Bulk-Activation transactions between RP and system



    04 Oct 2023

    Improve Bulk-Activation transactions between RP and system



    02 Oct 2023


    Activation Limit of 1 IVA-Pro License per device/fingerprint now set



    26 Sept 2023
















































    Improve Bulk-Activation transactions between RP and EMS

    Improve Demo limit in all cases to 3

    Show in SW Licensing the correct software ID and not an internal one


    Add support to authentication with userhub tokens on intrusion external api

    Fire panel:

    New FW versions are now supported

    Remote Portal Master Data

    Improve Change Company of devices and disable them for Config Manager

    Improvement on T&Cs link to privacy documentation

    RP API was hardened for non-existing users

    Remote Portal System & Device Management SDM

    Now a technician user can update gateways and cameras

    Offline Cameras are excluded from FW update

    Improve connectivity of edge device requests during restarts

    Avoid health alerts after RP deployment

    Improved health-status for disconnected cameras & DiPs




    Remote Portal - Version 2.115


    14 Sept 2023


    Improve IVA-Pro Camera Licence Bulk-Activation of multiple products



    07 Sept 2023



    Allow User Hub IdP customers continue using Remote Connect services in combination with BVSC



    05 Sept 2023












































    Upgrade of BVSC (new Vers.) with Live Video-Streaming & Local Replay to Alarm Management with Push Notification for Camera Triggers

    Automatic 30 days Trial period for  for newly connected RP cameras

    New BVSC option to connect to RP or VSaaS-Alarm Management

    RP opens Configuration of Alarm Management functions in linked Cloud VMS-Accounts (new VSaaS Vers. 2.45) identical to VSaaS Smart Notification Service for Site Monitor App

    Discontinuation of Remote Connect for BVSC, with remaining support of CM, RSC, RPS only by this free service starting with 1st December (end of grace period)

    Mass-/Bulk Activation of AVV-Licenses supported

    Support IVA-Pro Camera License Activation via RP-UI "Activate" button

    Improved performance of Status-Icon update for RP VR cameras

    Improve SMS delivery in Brazil

    Remote Portal System & Device Management SDM

    Connection to cpp4 Cameras is now supported

    Software update progress improved that it does not remain at 91/99

























    Remote Portal - Version 2.114

    16 Aug 2023 


































    Disable Azena App service card for Gen6 Autodome Inteox 7100i and 7100i IR Camera

    Master Data

    Devices with an ongoing company migration (´Move´) should not allow another migration

    When deleting a Gateway or Divar IP now their cameras are deleted as well

    Improved moving of cameras to a different company, avoiding "change lock state” in case of failures

    Partially synced DIP are now highlighted correctly in ´red´

    Improved status display for the start of the SW-Update already finished GW updates, staying before in ´ongoing´ camera health

    Improved Sorting for ´update´ of groups and systems tables, for Services´ in groups table

    Connectivity for third party cameras, un-provisioned gateways and gateways without SDM


    Apache Shiro:















    Remote Portal - Version 2.113
    07 Aug 2023 2.113.1 SLMS-migrated license activations are not blocked by previous Emergency Licenses anymore    

    02 Aug 2023






























    New Mail Notfication to admins on expiring Licenses includes now as well SW-Licencing (BVMS etc.) , so far only Cloud-Services were listed

    Change of monthly License expiry Mail to 2 month (before: 1 month)

    Allow SW-activations only when Expansions are selected, if available

    Block double click and/or second activation of the same Fingerprint, resulting in unintended activation failures

    Partial activations of entitlements for Enterprise Partners with fixed SMA-End Date for all Entitlements are supported  again (Hotfix)

    Make Cloud VMS-URL a precondition for the activation


    Improvement for Fire device health status















    Remote Portal - Version 2.112

    11 Jul 2023




















    Software Licensing

    Partial activations of SLMS migrated entitlements are not longer allowed due to SMA-Expiry Date restrictions

    Master Data

    Allow installer or integrator to move Camera to other RP company account 

    Show correct status and device counts for groups with or without devices


    In the Remote Maintenance service the Sensor Report now shows correctly all LSN modules temperature values and limitations












    Remote Portal - Version 2.111


    20 Jun 2023






















    New Features

    Preview entitlement before claiming (e.g. for SI´s) to identify & upload correct one into RP company account 

    License handling for technicians

    Open Mobile+ Cloud VMS-Cfg -Link from Remote Portal


    API: get systems for all user companies

    Daily sensor report to e-mail

    Improvement / User Hub

    BVSC-access to ´Video View´ for enterprise partners with Corporate User Hub Integration













    Remote Portal - Version 2.110

    30 May 2023


























    Software Licensing

    Synchronize activation status of revoked Entitlements, where Bosch orderdesk managed manually

    System & Device Management​ SDM

    Improve ´Move Systems´ for DiPs etc.

    Improve Mail Notification format for ´Remote Alerting´

    Improve Health Visualization of DiPs incl. partially synchronized ones

    Improve System Health-Event Stability (IoT Things-connection)

    Master Data

    Single technicians can now be added to a device w/o withdrawing access of a technician group














    Remote Portal - Version 2.109


     11 May 2023


































































    New Features

    Improved SW licensing bulk activations by an improved Config Manager (CM) login to RP with selected commissioning company out of multiple

    Offer Export of all orders/entitlements and activations into CSV for enterprise customers

    Introduce Remote System Management RSM demo licenses for the 4 Divar IPs 

    Improved display of ´Remote Alert´ cards in card view

    Add/Invite technician for managing licenses incl. activation similar to the admin role

    Improved SW licensing to newly allow Base-Product-upgrades w/o any expansion

    Offer improved UX for VSaaS/CloudVMS/Mobile+ users with Linking their dedicated VSaaS-Cloud-System (  with a configable URL in RP 

    System Management

    Improve User-Management for DiP commissioning with attribute/flag to restrict users that can add & provision DIP's

    Offer an improved Licenses Management with allowing not only admins, but now as well technician to manage licenses


    Extension of the Fire APIto get systems of a user for all companies

    Offer a shared notification list per specific company or group

    Improvements and Maintenance

    Extension of valid phone numbers to the new country Romania 

    Black cards in card view appear now correctly

    Improvements on legacy RP-database tables




    Remote Portal - Version 2.108

    18 Apr 2023






























    New Features

    BT UserHub SSO for DM

    New service card “Video View” prepared and added to RP​

    Detailed list view, connection history and customers​

    System Management

    User tile now shows first name and last name for Federate users​

    Improvements and Maintenance

    Improved Contact Hyperlink

    Privacy settings now open the modal​ dialog

    Icons reflect now the number of devices to be updated​

    UserHub password reset keeps session with sessionID​

    System & Device Management​ SDM

    Misc. Improvements for RSM  support


















    Remote Portal - Version 2.107

    21 Mar 2023































    Allow CM to activate certain IVA-Pro licenses

    Allow only the activation of License limits of e.g. 1 BVMS-Base

    UserHub Integration

    Company Login: Finalize on enterprise customer integration

    Bosch SingleKey Sign-Up link offered

    RP Terms & Conditions updated to new BT-User Hub T&C´s

     Fire API (for App Use)I:

    Extend get groups & Systems for a company with recursive output

    Add mutable content property on push-notification endpoint  


    Fire & Warning Statistics - Filtering by Alert types   




    Remote Portal - Version 2.106



















    New Features​

    Remote System Management

    UI improvements for easy activation

    Inventory Management ​

    Inventory reports for multiple DIPs/sites

    Customer Project​s

    Publish Site Name in IoT Things and inventory report

    UserHub Integration

    Feature stabilization












    Remote Portal - Version 2.104




    20 Jan 2023






    AI-License provided for VSaaS 3rd Party Cameras (RP virtual device)



    18 Jan 2023


















































    New Features​

    New Service “Remote System Management” finalized

    Introduce and accept RSM terms and conditions​

    Added RSM card to service section​

    Automatically add a trial license for a newly provisioned DIP​

    Inventory Management ​

    Include DIP data into inventory report​

    Improvements on mass update for Iot Gateways and camera devices​

    Customer Project​ (SDM)

    Offer SW download to Divar IP from private S3 buckets.


    AI Alarm Verification License in the "Services" tab


    Improve Heath status for fire​ devices

    Improve UI for modules in the Remote maintenance service​  ​

     SW Licensing​

    Improve Upgrades of BVMS 11.0 to 11.1 by SMA extension​​s


    Continuous UI improvements and bug fixing

    clean-up outdated camera counter-report data

    Release Notes - Remote System Management (Remote Portal Cloud Service)

    FAQ - Remote System Management service offering

    Capabilities and limitations of DIVAR IP AIO & Remote System Management – Blueprints

    Connect DIP 4000/6000/7000 AIO to Remote Portal via System Manager & activate trial license

    Add a subscriber for Remote Alert of DIP 4000, 6000 or 7000 AIO connected to Remote Portal

    Disconnect DIVAR IP from Remote Portal via System Manager






    Remote Portal - Version 2.103



    18 Jan 2023




















































    New Features​

    UI refinement (Naming, Tooltips, Popup, Overview icons)​

    Remote System Management License​

    Restricted selection of a service to the right DIP family​

    Remote Alerting improvements​

    UI-Improvement on ´Operations mode´ of DIP

    Customer Project (SDM)

    Users Information is updated if the information on the Identity Provider changes.​

    Encryption of connection data in Ditto database​

    API access for enterprise partners​

    Activated Search API on Ditto​


    AI Alarm Verification in "Services" tab​


    Fix Heath status for fire​

    Fix UI for modules in the Remote Maitenance service​​

    SW Licensing​

    Fix Upgrade from BVMS 11.0 to 11.1 failed after SMA extension​


    Fix Outdated camera counter report





    Remote Portal - Version 2.102



    19 Jan 2023


    General Improvement




    Remote Portal - Older Versions (Year 2022)


    Date of deployment RP version


    with Domain, Component Initiative and RP-instance

    Online Help Remote Portal

    Vulnerability  Improvements




    Introduction of System and Device Management Licenses

    Create first visiting users

    Redirect login to LDP

    Mass activation of services (final)

    Add company information in push notification



    2.101.1 Security Update    



    Integration of LRA to sign device certificate for specific device

    SSO solution for special customer

    Ditto 3.0 upgrade (in progress)

    Bug fixes and UI improvements

    New company creation (ongoing)

    Mass activation of services (ongoing)

    Update VSaaS Terms and conditions

    Fire: Health Status for fire devices

    Fire: Battery Health Status

    Fix SW licensing upgrade corner cases




    Fix updates icons row view

    Fix get Counters

    Revert Changes for duplicate entry issue in device status




    Fix Fire&Warning statistics table

    Fix OWASP Critical findings

    Config Manager fix




    Device Certificates for Divar IP for secure connection

    Improved Alerting Emails

    Aggregate camera alerts into Gateway alert email

    VSaaS → Mass activation of services (continue)

    Bug fixing




    Fix OWASP Critical findings






    Fix Software Licenses demo fail to be downloaded on the detail page

    Add New IVA product family rules

    Fix OWASP Critical findings




    Cloud Bulk update for multiple DIPs/PXI cores

    Improved alert emails for Systems and Gateways

    Log File upload server

    Inventory Report

    User Hub → New company creation

    Mass activation of services (continue)

    Show fire & warning statistics - details table

    Health status for fire devices

    Bug fixing

    Cleanup procedure for database tables




    New warning banner before downtime

    Account verification limited to DACH countries

    Global status in "Get Companies" endpoint




    Bug fixes




    Bug fixes




    Preview of PXI-core page with certificate-based device authentication 

    UI improvements

    Bug fixes



    2.94 Hotfix for change region functionality    



    New product family AMS ("Access Management System")

    Improvement to the license expiration warning email

    OAuth authentication in external endpoints

    General bug fixing



    2.92 Security Updates    

    2.91 Get push notifications by system    

    2.90.4 Bug fixes    

    2.90.3 Bug fixes    


    2.90.2 Test improvement    







    License Expiration Email enhancement

    Security updates

    Bug fixes

    Assurance report includes revoked licenses




    Rate limiting on email sending and sign-up

    Initial config for VSAAS

    Security updates

    Intrusion: Connect to a panel without a logged in user

    Increase the limit of SMS’s to 200 per account

    Enable new product family for "AI Detector“

    Block certain country access

    Service Licensing expiration email



    Fire API for push notifications enhancement

    Block access of certain countries



    Push Notifications adjustements

    Allow activation of services

    Update third party video device




    Fix intrusion service outage

    Fire API for push notifications

    SMS notification bug fix

    Software Licensing

    Software Upgrade behavior change

    Software Licenses bulk activation

    Active notifications by the PXI Core

    Bug fixes and stability improvement

    21.02.2022 2.88.1 Hotfix for SW licensing upgrade     
    10.02.2022 2.88.1 Bug fixes    

    20.1.2022 (Installer)

    21.1.2022 (VR)


    FIRE Push Notification: Add EventId to the notification payload

    Add "RP Company Name" to Find User and Find Panel APIs

    Update on Cloud Storage service licensing

    Software Licensing Improvement



    Remote Portal - Older Versions (Year 2021)


    Date of deployment RP version


    with Domain, Component Initiative and RP-instance

    Online Help Remote Portal

    Vulnerability  Improvements


    13.12.2021 2.87.0 Log4J2 fix    
    09.12.2021 2.87.0 Bug fixes    
    18.11.2021 2.86.0 Bug fixes    
    28.10.2021 2.85.0

    Central Station Receiver SW licensing support

    Prevent removal of devices migrated to Service Portal

    Restrictions to camera firmware upgrade

    Bug fixes

    07.10.2021 2.84.0

    Fire: Adjustments to the push notifications

    Intrusion: Flag devices as migrated to the Service Portal

    Bug fixes

    16.09.2021 2.83.0

    Fire: Reset the Remote Maintenance data

    SW Licensing: Change license model for SLMS migration

    Bug fixes

    05.08.2021 2.81.0

    Send email after password change

    Bug fixes



    Bug fixes

    Fire API for user validation

    08.06.2021 2.78.2 Bug fixes: Auto-Renewal    
    07.06.2021 2.78.1

    SMA Report

    New ITS license

    Bug fixes

    13.05.2021 2.77.0

    SW Licensing: UI Adjustments

    Fire: Condition Monitoring

    Monitoring: new service „Alarm Transmitter“

    22.04.2021 2.76.0 Stability improvements, bug fixes, new features and integrations     
    01.04.2021 2.75.0

    Service Card "Alarm Notification"

    SW licensing: Link to legacy system

    Stability improvements, bug fixes

    11.03.2021 2.74.0

    FIR Notification App

    In-Store-Analytics and ITS service for IVA

    BVMS Light Upgrade

    DivarIP products activation

    Expansion products activation

    Stability improvements, bug fixes

    18.02.2021 2.73.0 Stability improvements, bug fixes    
    29.01.2021 2.72.0

    SW Licensing activation flow change

    Alarm monitoring service overview

    Stability improvements, bug fixes

    08.01.2021 2.71.0

    New intrusion controller

    Stability improvements

    Bug Fixes



    Remote Portal - Older Versions (Year 2020)


    Date of deployment RP version


    with Domain, Component Initiative and RP-instance

    Online Help Remote Portal

    Vulnerability  Improvements


    26.11.2020 2.70.0 Stability improvements
    Bug Fixes
    12.11.2020 2.69.1 Hotfix    
    05.11.2020 2.69 Stability improvements
    Bug Fixes
    22.10.2020 2.68.0 Data Privacy Changes for specific Countries
    Stability improvements
    16.10.2020 2.68.0

    Data Privacy Changes for specific Countries

    25.09.2020 2.67.0 Stability Improvements    
    03.09.2020 2.66.0 Renaming of licenses    
    19.08.2020 2.65.0 Stability Improvements    
    24.07.2020 2.64.0 Introduction of Alarm Management license    
    10.07.2020 2.63.2 Bug fixes    
    06.07.2020 2.63.1 Bug fixes    
    03.07.2020 2.63.0

    Licensing improvements

    12.06.2020 2.62.0 Bug fixes    
    22.05.2020 2.61.0

    Camera Reports every 15 Minutes

    Infrastructure Updates

    Bug Fixes

    30.4.2020 2.60.0

    Default Company Option

    Bug fixes

    9.4.2020 2.59.0

    Bug fixes

    19.03.2020 2.58.0 Bug fixes    
    28.02.2020 2.57.0

    Show link to App shop for Android Camera

    Push API for Fire

    Bug fixes

    07.02.2020 2.56.0 Bug fixes    
    24.01.2020 2.55.0

    Batch firmware update

    Bug fixes



    Remote Portal - Older Versions (Year 2019)


    Date of deployment RP version


    with Domain, Component Initiative and RP-instance

    Online Help Remote Portal

    Vulnerability  Improvements


    06.12.2019 2.54.0

    Introduction of AP Region

    Bug fixes

    15.11.2019 2.53.0

    Bug fixes

    25.10.2019 2.52.0

    Portal - Move multiple groups/systems

    Fire - Bug fixes

    08.10.2019 2.51.0

    Admin Portal - User management

    Improvement of VR/Camera connectivity

    22.08.2019 2.50.0

    Fire - Add filter rule for alerts

    Remote Alert - Send a one-time info email to the subscriber



    2.49.1 General Improvements    
    11.07.2019 2.48.2

    General Improvements

    21.06.2019 2.47

    Fire - Change SMS content

    Updated 'Imprint'

    28.05.2019 2.45 New server infrastructure    
    08.05.2019 2.45 General Improvements    
    27.03.2019 2.43 Fix for "fire alert history" bug    
    19.03.2019 2.42

    new demo service for monitoring

    13.02.2019 2.41 General Improvements    


    Version history
    Last update:
    ‎08-05-2024 02:31 PM
    Updated by: