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    Critical Communications: Dispatch

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    4 weeks ago
    Resetting the password or returning the unit to factory defaults is accomplished using these steps:
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    4 weeks ago
    Question   Where can I download the latest version of software/firmware and manuals for Telex Dispatch products?   Answer   Software, firmware and manual downloads are only available to authorized users at               © Copyright Bosch Security Systems All rights reserved. Text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos as well as the arrangement of the same in Bosch offline knowledgebase (help file) are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. The content of these offline knowledgebase may not be copied, disseminated, altered or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Some Bosch web sites may also contain text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos subject to third party copyrights. Warranty Note This information is provided by Bosch Security Systems ''AS IS'' and without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including (but not limited to) any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose or non-infringement. While the information provided in believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies. Bosch Security Systems will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from use of this tool, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and consequential damages.  
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    ‎05-09-2022 08:32 AM
    If you need to default the password for CSoft because you have forgotten it, or the person who had created the password is no longer with your company, please follow the steps from here.
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    4 weeks ago
    Question   Is there a Glossary of Common Terminology and Acronyms?   Answer   See attached                   © Copyright Bosch Security Systems All rights reserved. Text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos as well as the arrangement of the same in Bosch offline knowledgebase (help file) are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. The content of these offline knowledgebase may not be copied, disseminated, altered or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Some Bosch web sites may also contain text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos subject to third party copyrights. Warranty Note This information is provided by Bosch Security Systems ''AS IS'' and without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including (but not limited to) any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose or non-infringement. While the information provided in believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies. Bosch Security Systems will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from use of this tool, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and consequential damages.  
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    4 weeks ago
    Question   What do the modes of operation support?   Answer   The IP-223 is capable of six different modes of operation.  Here are some explanations to help you understand the basics of how each mode works: Console Mode - Console mode is used to adapt an analog, tone controlled console so that it's signaling and voice audio can be transported across an IP network.  At the far end (radio end) of the network, a second IP-223 converts the data back into analog voice and regenerates the analog MSK tones.  The radio end IP-223 (in Tone Mode) can control a tone remote adapter panel, or tone controlled radio.  The radio end IP-223 is also capable of controlling a radio locally.  (See more on Local and Tone modes below)  The Console Mode IP-223 also converts receive packets back into analog audio for the receive side of the console radio traffic. Note: Console mode also supports E&M input logic to generate remote radio keying when control tones are not present.  Tone Mode - A Tone Mode IP-223 normally controls a radio at the remote end of the network.  It receives data from the network that originates from IP console or an analog tone generating device, such as a legacy console connected to an IP-223 in Console mode.  The IP-223 at the radio end of the system converts the digital IP information back into voice and tone signaling, which drives a tone remote adapter, or tone controlled radio.  Receive audio is also sent back to the console in a similar manner. Local Mode -  This mode is normally used at the radio (remote) end of the system and controls the radio with PTT, COR, TX and RX audio, via a direct connection to the radio auxiliary connector.  In some systems, channel control is used via the IP-223 BCD logic or by using serial control methods. Phone Mode - Phone Mode allows the IP-223 to interface to a POTS line via a Telex TDI adapter.  It allows basic telephone line functions to be provided through a C-Soft console. iDEN Mode - iDEN mode allows the IP-223 to interface with a Falcon class POC (Push to Talk over Cellular) mobile phone system.  An NI-223+ is required to interface the radio handset with the IP-223.  The radio can be operated as a cellular phone, or POC phone. TETRA Mode - TETRA Radio Mode Tetra Radio Mode allows interface to the Sepura SRM-2000/3500 mobile radio.  Similar to the iDEN Mode, the TETRA radio can be operated as a POC mobile, or cellular phone.             © Copyright Bosch Security Systems All rights reserved. Text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos as well as the arrangement of the same in Bosch offline knowledgebase (help file) are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. The content of these offline knowledgebase may not be copied, disseminated, altered or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Some Bosch web sites may also contain text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos subject to third party copyrights. Warranty Note This information is provided by Bosch Security Systems ''AS IS'' and without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including (but not limited to) any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose or non-infringement. While the information provided in believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies. Bosch Security Systems will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from use of this tool, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and consequential damages.  
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    4 weeks ago
    Question   How do I change Zones/Channels on a Kenwood radio with Telex Dispatch products?   Answer   The Telex consoles do not have the ability to directly change zones on a radio, this would be done in either the IP-223 or IP-224. The frequency you select on the console would correspond to the F-Tone on the Per Line Setup page in the IP-223/4. In that same section look at the far right hand side and you will see two columns labeled system and channel. The system column is the zone that you want the radio to change to when the console selects that channel. In turn the IP-223/4 will also change to that channel in that zone. So in practice let’s say the IP-223/4 has F1, F2, F3 set to zones 1,2,and 3 for the channels 1,2,3 respectfully. Now if this is submitted and saved to eeprom, the IP-223/4 will now change channels to zone 1 channel 1 when the IP-2002 selects F1. If the console selects F2 then the radio will change to zone 2 channel 2. If the console selects F3 then the radio will change to zone 3 channel 3.             © Copyright Bosch Security Systems All rights reserved. Text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos as well as the arrangement of the same in Bosch offline knowledgebase (help file) are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. The content of these offline knowledgebase may not be copied, disseminated, altered or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Some Bosch web sites may also contain text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos subject to third party copyrights. Warranty Note This information is provided by Bosch Security Systems ''AS IS'' and without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including (but not limited to) any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose or non-infringement. While the information provided in believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies. Bosch Security Systems will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from use of this tool, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and consequential damages.  
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    4 weeks ago
    Question   What are possible causes of poor audio in Telex Radio Dispatch Systems?   Answer   Telex Radio Dispatch systems have operating requirements which need to be established and verified, in order to insure good quality audio across a system.  Here are some fundamental parameters that installers and technicians need to be aware of, which, if not properly ascertained, may be causes of poor quality audio in the system. Levels are a foundational issue with Telex radio systems. Improper digital audio levels are one of the most common defects that impair system audio quality.  This means that the digital transmit audio and digital receive audio must be “proportional”.  “Proportional” means that the sampling and conversion of the analog signals must be in the proper binary value “window”.  Generally this would be indicated by a VU Meter bar graph deflection of about 2/3 to ¾ scale at voice peaks.  Improper digital audio levels are the result of improper analog levels going into the CODEC. Digital audio that is too low or too high will degrade re-constitution of digital back to analog audio at the end points.  The Telex “VU Meter” program allows measurement of the digital audio levels at different points in the network. (See the Knowledge Based articles on Optimal Analog to Digital Conversion in the IP-223, and Telex Dispatch VU Meter Program) VU Meter gives a graphic and numeric indication of digital sampling with multicast traffic. Microphones The quality of the transmit audio of the entire system depends heavily upon the quality of the signal originating from the microphone.  The microphone is where the “tires touch the road” in the system, and a poor quality microphone cannot be compensated for by any external means. The highest quality radio system will not sound good if the microphone is of poor quality, improperly adjusted, or improperly used.  The microphone is the last component in the system that should be a low price based selection. Poor microphone audio is often caused by improper use of the microphone, or the wrong type of microphone for the application.  Without a doubt, the headset mic is the best choice for any dispatching application, whether pubic safety, or not. The headset mic is always at a consistent distance from the dispatcher’s mouth, and the close proximity minimizes background noise, and promotes a very consistent voice transmit level.  Keep in mind that although some dispatchers do not like to wear headsets, no other type of mic will produce as consistently good sound quality as well as a headset mic. Desktop and gooseneck microphones are designed to be used at a specific distance from the dispatcher’s mouth, and when that distance is exceeded, audio quality degrades, and more background noise is picked up along with the voice.It is common to find a desk mic used at a much greater distance than intended, and this creates less than optimal voice audio quality. Obviously, a microphone gain setting that is too high can also create a similar problem, with excessive pickup of background noise, and excessive voice amplitude.  Too low of gain setting, and the voice amplitude will be too soft and accompanied by noise. Again console mic audio in a RoIP system is adjusted by watching the VU Meter deflection at the console, using a loud talk test.Once the best deflection is attained, further gain adjustments at the radio end ensure proper transmitter modulation, and optimal audio quality.  Voice peaks are a recommended reference point for calibration. Tones may not be as accurate for modulation calibration, as digital conversion does not reproduce single frequency sine waves as well as voice modulation. Control Stations Control station radios need to be run across the test bench to insure that they meet all performance specifications.  Once installed on site, transmit modulation levels need to be re-verified, once the overall system alignment is completed. Mic Jack Audio Some radios use the mic jack as the TX audio interface. Be aware that such low level signals are susceptible to local sources of electrical noise, and shielded cables should always be used. RF Most installations use multiple control stations in a single rack or shelf arrangement. RF leakage can infiltrate wiring of all kinds, so it is important to minimize any radiation that may occur in the vicinity of the system equipment.  Keep lead lengths as short as possible. Using outside antennas located as far away from equipment as possible is important, especially when using high power base stations. Use double shielded RF antenna cables to insure that minimal RF radiation is occurring locally at the rack. iDen phones and similar can generate all kinds of pulse mode interference, especially if the antenna is not cabled to an external location. A loose antenna cable connector can create a lot of RF radiation near the radio. When in doubt, shield everything. Make sure connections are tight. Amplified speaker cables and microphone cables are very susceptible to pulse mode RF interference. High Noise Floor Areas For example, if you are planning a power company dispatch center installation, and you have 345,000 volt transmission power lines next to the building, you may have a noise problem.  Similarly, areas near commercial radio and television broadcasting towers may also have a very high RF noise floor that must be considered. Control station interfaces should be located out of the area of these types of noise sources if possible. If installation away from these noise sources is not possible, extra care should be used to shield all wiring.  Faraday shielding is the best method of eliminating electrical noise induced from radiating sources. Noise Present via Supplied AC Power Variations and transients in AC power can contribute to system noise.  Using UPS power supplies or power conditioners can help eliminate AC power noise present on the supply lines. Verifying that the equipment room supply outlets are properly wired and correctly grounded is good practice.  Improper grounds can be a significant factor in noise. Telex equipment should always have case grounds installed. DC Power Telex equipment in racks should have a common DC power supply, rather than each one on a separate power supply.  A power supply plugged into an improperly grounded outlet will almost always cause AC noise. Network Network topology can cause VoIP audio problems if there are bandwidth restrictions, or if shared services are causing packet queuing, or data collisions. If operating on a shared network, use VPN Tunnels. Many Telex customers have had good results with products such as DCB (Data Communications for Business) tunnel boxes.           © Copyright Bosch Security Systems All rights reserved. Text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos as well as the arrangement of the same in Bosch offline knowledgebase (help file) are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. The content of these offline knowledgebase may not be copied, disseminated, altered or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Some Bosch web sites may also contain text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos subject to third party copyrights. Warranty Note This information is provided by Bosch Security Systems ''AS IS'' and without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including (but not limited to) any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose or non-infringement. While the information provided in believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies. Bosch Security Systems will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from use of this tool, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and consequential damages.  
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    4 weeks ago
    Question   C-Soft dongle key error codes - What do they mean?   Answer   Error 71 - Unable to read the key.  Most common error. To correct this error you will need to first check that you have a dongle key or a licensed AD-HB4 plugged into the computer. If you have a licensed AD-HB4 please contact telex technical support for further assistance. If there is a dongle key, then see the attached document to reload the driver for the dongle key. Error 13 - sp_io_communications_error. The system device driver is having problems communicating.  verify the device driver is correctly installed. If the driver is installed correctly, then try a different key if you have one. There may be a hardware issue with the key. If you do not have another key you will need to contact our customer service at 1-800-553-5992  
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    4 weeks ago
    Question   How do I Properly Clean and Disinfect my Telex Headset?   Answer   This memo describes specific disinfectants and cleaning methods that are acceptable for use on RTS and Telex headset and microphone products.   Approved cleaning agents are listed below. Sani-Cide EX by Celeste Industries or minimum 70% isopropyl alcohol are preferred.   1. Sani-Cide EX3 produced by Celeste Industries 2. Matrix Disinfectant/Cleaner #3 produced by Jon-Don 3. NETBIOKEM DSAM produced by PSA 4. Isopropyl alcohol at least 70%.   Cleaning Procedure: Remove porous foam components such as ear cushions and foam microphone windscreen. Apply cleaning agent to a soft towel to clean the plastic and metal parts. Cleaner should wipe off or evaporate quickly. *Do not soak or allow the cleaner to puddle on the unit. *Do not allow any liquid to touch the speaker or microphone element directly as this may cause damage. Use only isopropyl alcohol (70% minimum) on porous foam parts including the mic windscreen and/or ear cushion. Once removed soak until absorbed completely. Squeeze out excess liquid and allow to air dry at room temperature before reattaching. Cleaning directions included in this letter are for external surfaces only. Internal surfaces should not require cleaning.    
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    4 weeks ago
    Question   After updating my IP-224 to firmware v2.7 it is asking for the old password.  What should I type for the old password?   Answer   You should use admin.  
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    4 weeks ago
    Question   How do I connect Telex VoIP Dispatch Systems to Analog Recorder Solutions?   Answer   See attachment  
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    4 weeks ago
    Question   Can I setup for MDC-1200 Encode Setup and Operation?   Answer   Yes, see attached.  
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    4 weeks ago
    Question    How do I update Telex Dispatch IP products with Telex System Manager?   Answer   Uploading VoIP Hardware Firmware Once Telex System Manager (TSM) is installed and your new .tfb file is downloaded, you are ready to upload the VoIP hardware’s firmware. To upload the VoIP hardware’s firmware, do the following: 1. Click the TSM shortcut on your desktop. OR From your taskbar, click Start|Programs|Telex Communications|Telex System Manager. The Telex System Manager window opens. 2. Click Tools|Firmware Update The Firmware Update Tool opens. 3. To locate the .tfb file for upload, click the folder icon . The Open window appears. 4. Select the.tfb file you want to upload. The file is highlighted. 5. Click Open. The selected file appears in the File field. NOTE: If the device does not appear in the list, enter the VoIP hardware’s IP Address in the Manual Entry field and click the Add button. The IP Address appears in the left navigation pane. 6. In the left navigation pane, select the device’s IP Address. The Write Firmware button is active. 7. Click the Write Firmware button. Firmware update messages are shown in the Status column which provides feedback on the firmware update progress. Once the progress reaches 100%, the firmware is updated. NOTE: If an error occurs, the Progress column is reset and an error message appears in the Status column. NOTE: Once the firmware is uploaded, the device resets. 8. Click Close.   The Firmware Update Complete window closes. 9. Click Close. The Firmware Update Tool window closes.         © Copyright Bosch Security Systems All rights reserved. Text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos as well as the arrangement of the same in Bosch offline knowledgebase (help file) are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. The content of these offline knowledgebase may not be copied, disseminated, altered or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Some Bosch web sites may also contain text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos subject to third party copyrights. Warranty Note This information is provided by Bosch Security Systems ''AS IS'' and without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including (but not limited to) any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose or non-infringement. While the information provided in believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies. Bosch Security Systems will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from use of this tool, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and consequential damages.  
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    4 weeks ago
    Question   How do I set up TETRA Dispatch Solutions via Sepura Terminal Interface?   Answer   See attached.  
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    4 weeks ago
    Answer: Resetting the Password or returning the unit to factory defaults is accomplished using these steps:
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    4 weeks ago
    Question   Does Telex Dispatch support UDP Unicast addresses instead of UDP Multicast addresses?   Answer   Yes. Place opposite ends static ip address into the multicast address field, see example below: Note: You will now be operating in point to point mode (ie...ip-223 to single console), point to multi point (ie...ip-223 to multiple consoles) will not work.  
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    4 weeks ago
    Question   How do I Configure Hardware Consoles and HB-3+ to Operate DISH-2 Stereo Headsets?   Answer   See attached.  
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    4 weeks ago
    Question     I keep getting a Key Read error 71 on C-Soft or Network Recorder. Why and what can I do?   Answer     The PC has an issue with the drivers for the license dongle, reloading of drivers is required. Please check to make sure the donlge USB or Paralell key is plugged into the pc. Reboot the pc. Wait 2 minutes after logging into the pc and start the software program. If you still get key read errors please follow the rest of the steps to properly install the driver. You need to make sure that the dongle is unplugged. uninstall all drivers in add/remove programs referred to as sentinel or safenet or SPNcombo. Reboot computer. Install the latest driver from the safenet website. Reboot computer again. Now plug the dongle key back in. Now download the key reader application and run it. This program should read the key and tell you how many lines it is programmed for. If this program finds the key then Csoft or Network Recorder should work for you.  
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    4 weeks ago
    Question   When sending out pages the console steers the page to the correct channel, but then immediately switches back to whatever channel was selected prior to the page.  Need it to stay on the paged out channel.   Answer   This is standard operation if the page button is configured with 0 in the "Talk Time" field.  Typically if you send pages and voice on the same channel it is expected that the "Talk Time" field has a value inserted to keep the radio keyed allowing the dispatcher time to press PTT so your not bouncing the radio RF final with a very short de-key.  
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    4 weeks ago
    Question   Are there Electro Voice Microphone Options for Dispatch Consoles?   Answer   Yes, see attached.           © Copyright Bosch Security Systems All rights reserved. Text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos as well as the arrangement of the same in Bosch offline knowledgebase (help file) are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. The content of these offline knowledgebase may not be copied, disseminated, altered or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Some Bosch web sites may also contain text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos subject to third party copyrights. Warranty Note This information is provided by Bosch Security Systems ''AS IS'' and without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including (but not limited to) any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose or non-infringement. While the information provided in believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies. Bosch Security Systems will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from use of this tool, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and consequential damages.  
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