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    Security: Access Control

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    ‎03-31-2021 10:04 PM
    Scenario User needs to activate a relay when the door is held open, but they do not have an I/O board.   Solution Create an One Shot Advance I/O event to trigger the relay output desired. See below step by step how to do it.   Create a “Criteria” specifying the event we want to use to activate the relay output   Go to “Configuration” and then “Criteria”   Figure 1.   Click the “green plus” to create a new Criteria   Figure 2.   Under description assign a name In this example, the user only wants one door to trigger one relay, Click “Selected Devices Only”, select the desired door and add it to the “Selected Devices” column   Figure 3.   Click the “Events” tab   The user only wants the relay triggered by one specific event: “Door held open”. Click “Selected Events Only”. Add the desired event to the “List of Selected Events” column   Figure 4.   If this action is desired to happen only in one specific schedule, click the “Time” tab and choose the desired schedule. Click Save   Figure 5.   Create an Advanced IO to assign the Criteria for activating the relay output   Go to “Configuration”, and click “Advanced IO”   Figure 6.     Click the “green plus” to create a new one   Figure 7.   Under description assign a name for the new Advanced I/O The function needed is “One Shot” Select the output duration desired The “Input Control” is the criteria previously created. Click the edit button, select “Criteria” and the name assigned to the Criteria The “Output Link” is the relay output we want to activate. Click the edit button and select the relay output desired. Click the save button   Figure 8.
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    ‎05-24-2018 04:37 PM
    How to enable the comm server icon in the taskbar.
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    ‎05-24-2018 04:36 PM
    This article is a possible solution to rdkypro not logging offline events.
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    ‎05-24-2018 04:34 PM
    Changing the Essex D8229 site code.
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    ‎05-24-2018 04:34 PM
    This article indicates the maximun wire length of SE485 per transponder.
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    ‎05-24-2018 04:32 PM
    This articles answers question if the 1320 inputs can be supervised.
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    ‎05-24-2018 04:35 PM
    Article answers whether rdkypro can integrate with Active Directory.
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    ‎05-24-2018 04:36 PM
    Article for troubleshooting an escort receiver not sounding
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    ‎05-24-2018 04:33 PM
    Indicates the recommended cable specifications of an SE485 module for security escort.
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    ‎05-23-2018 08:52 PM
    Describes how to setup a Essex-D8229 in ReadyKeyPro
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    ‎05-22-2018 12:45 PM
    Installshield Wizard for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Server Pack 3 (SP3).
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    ‎05-22-2018 11:46 AM
      What effect does losing communication with the server have on an access controller
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    ‎05-22-2018 11:43 AM
      Readykey Pro use custom barcode
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    ‎05-22-2018 11:39 AM
      Difference between the two different types of iClass keypad readers
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    ‎05-22-2018 11:36 AM
      Related ProductsReadykey Pro Question How can I ensure that clients do not change certain features that require exclusive use of the SQL database for Readykey Pro? Answer Certain activities require that there are not any applications logged into the SQL database. These activities include running a database backup, archive, database setup, or forms designer. In some cases, a server has many clients logged into the database remotely. This makes it difficult to close all client connections. There is an easy way to work around this by running a few SQL commands. Login to SQL Management Studio Express. Expand the Databases folder and find AccessControl (for example, the Readykey Pro database). Right click on AccessControl and select New Query. In the query window, type: sp_who2 [Click EXECUTE]. Look for all SPID that have the login type of lenel. For each SPID number of login type lenel, type: kill (SPID) [Click EXECUTE]. IMPORTANT: Do not kill SPID for SQL Server, as this will kill the Management Studio connection. Run the required application (for example, Database Backup). This method does not prevent future connections to SQL Server. If an exclusive connection is required, the port SQL Server uses can be blocked by a firewall (for example, TCP port 1433). You should block ports with caution because it may also block local connections. A better solution would be to temporarily disable remote connections to SQL Server using SQL Server Configuration Manager.
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    ‎05-22-2018 11:25 AM
      View Activity page on Access Easy Controller
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    ‎05-22-2018 11:20 AM
      What causes the C900 VOLTAGE LOW and C900 VOLTAGE RESTORE messages at the D6600
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    ‎05-21-2018 07:57 PM
    This article explains how to configure BIS to use the keypad reader RK-40 with pincode
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    ‎05-21-2018 07:59 PM
    How to reset an AMC2 controller
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    ‎05-21-2018 07:58 PM
    This article explains how to toggle relay outputs just by double clicking on a floor plan symbol to control the lights in a certain part of a building.
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