How to control the D8112 buzz when test reports are sent.
The D8112 panel buzzes when it sends test reports, how can I stop the buzz?
1. Ensure the area is disarmed.
2. Press Cmd + 4 + 2. The flashing Cmd light is a prompt to enter a valid passcode.
3. Enter a valid passcode and the D621 displays system trouble events by lighting the point indicators (zone leds)as described below:
Zone 1 Lit steady = Telephone line Fail
Zone 1 Slow Flash = Comm Fail, Destination 1
Zone 1 Fast Flash = Comm Fail, Destination 2
Zone 2 Lit steady = Alternate Comm Trouble
Zone 3 Lit steady = Installer Switch Closed
Zone 4 Lit steady = Backup Battery low
Zone 4 Lit steady = Slow Flash = Backup Battery Missing
Zone 5 Lit steady = Bell Supervision Fail
Zone 6 Lit steady = RF Receiver Jamming
Zone 6 Slow Flash = RF Receiver Trouble
Zone 7 Lit steady = Data Bus Device Missing
Zone 7 Slow Flash = Data Bus Device Tamper
Zone 7 Fast Flash = Data Buss Device Trouble/Reset
Zone 8 Lit steady = System Fault
Zone 8 Slow Flash = Service Interval
Zone 8 Fast Flash = Ground Fault Condition
Press Cmd to return to the off state.