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    ‎06-28-2018 10:23 PM
    Part numbers D8112, D8112A, D8112E, D8112E1, D8112G, D8112G1, D8112G2
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    ‎06-04-2018 02:39 PM
    Article describes the 9124 RPS template.
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    ‎07-16-2018 10:15 PM
    How to determine the number of passcodes are available in the D7112. How many passcodes can the D7112 panel have?
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    ‎05-23-2018 04:56 PM
    How do I clear troubles on a D1254 keypad connected to a D7112? D7112,D1254
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    ‎05-18-2018 04:17 PM
    There is only one keypad on the system and it dispalys "SERVICE KEYPAD" D9412G, D7412G, D7212, D7212B, D7212B1, D7212G, D7412, D9112, D9112B, D9112B1, D9412, D1255, D1260, D1256, D9412GV2,D7412GV2,D7212GV2,D9412GV3,D7412GV3,D7212GV3,D9412GV4,D7412GV4,D7212GV4
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    ‎06-19-2018 10:40 PM
    Issue CMD40 System Trouble Report Codes Display -  COMMAND 40 Solution Keying COMMAND - 4 - 0 at the Command Center will replace the display of zone status on the four left indicator lights with a trouble report code.  If applicable, a second trouble report can be displayed by keying in another COMMAND 40 (the maximum number of troubles held in the buffer is two).  If no indicators light on the second COMMAND 40 entry, there is only one cause for each trouble report. After the panel is disabled/restarted, powered cycled, or serviced for the indicated system troubles, clear the system trouble memory by entering COMMAND 40 until no troubles are displayed.  Press any key to exit COMMAND 40 since it is not automatically exited upon alarm or trouble condition. Alarms and troubles will continute to report to the central station unabated. 2|4 : D5100 Communication Error / bad connection to programmer 1     : Faulted Zone 2     : Command Center Communication Err / noisy environment or wiring issue 1|2: Communication Failure / unable to communicate with central station 3     : RJ Jack Supervision / phone cord unplugged or wired incorrectly 1|3:   Aux Power Supervision / possible short on aux device or wiring 2|3:   AC Power Fail / Check transformer power and/or wiring 1|2|3:Battery Supervision / low or failing battery 4    :  Command Center Fault / Check wiring and/or programming 1|4:    Internal Hardware Fault / main system board failure 1|2|4: Missing Serial Device / check keypads and/or expander 3|4:    Device Programming Err / keypad or expander does not match programming. 1|3|4:  Internal Sofwtare Err / internal memory failure 2|3|4:  Checksum Fail / EEPROM Failure 1|2|3|4: System ROM Failure / Internal ROM Failure 
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    ‎06-07-2018 03:03 PM
    How to determine D1255RB, D1256RB and D1257RB command center compatibility with G-Series control panels.
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    ‎05-24-2018 07:58 PM
    How can the trouble condition be displayed on the keypad? D4412,D6412,D623,D625
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    ‎07-10-2018 08:58 PM
    Issue How can I get the panel to test the bell when the system is Armed? Solution In order to have the bell sound at the end of the Arming Sequence, you must follow the steps listed below: Put the system into program mode by either entering the INSTALLERS (Default is 98765) CODE # 0 or holding down the S1 pin on the middle of the control board down towards the bottom. Type in 81 # and see what the first data digit is and make a note of it. Ex. D1=1. Press # again to see what the second data digit is and make a note of it. Ex. D2=0. Press # again to see what the third data digit is and make a note of it. Ex. D3=7. Press # again to see what the fourth and final data digit is and make a note of it. Ex. D4=6 Ex  D1=1 D2=0 D3=7 D4=6 for a complete number of 1076. In order to have the system do the Bell test when arming you must make digit 2 a 2 or a 3 and the other digits will stay the same. 2 would give you the following: Test Bell but NOT the Phone line upon arming. 3 would give you the following: Test Phone line AND Bell upon arming. Now press the * twice to get you back to the ADR= and do the following: To make the change with the number 2 option you will press 811276# OR To make the change with the number 3 option you will press 811376# After that you can hold * down for 3 seconds, release it, and test the changes out.
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    ‎05-22-2018 03:45 PM
    What is the address to default the panel in programming? DS7400XIVER3+
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    ‎05-23-2018 04:45 PM
    How to prevent wireless points from going into swinger bypass D2212,D2112,D2412,D2812  
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    ‎05-17-2018 04:43 PM
    With the panel central station number programmed and zone function programmed to report, the panel does not dial out. DS7400XIVER3+,DS7400,DS7400XIVER2,DS7400X,DS7400Xi,DS7400Xi (Ver 4+)
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    ‎07-10-2018 08:08 PM
    Issue How do I Partially Arm the Perimeter?   Solution   Partially Arm the Perimeter COMMAND 8 is used to arm the perimeter of your building while the selected portions of the perimeter remain disarmed. Perimeter zones that are not secure (faulted) when COMMAND 8 is entered, are automatically bypassed and are not included in the system. COMMAND 8 does not arm the interior of your building. Exit delays are provided with this arming command. Although this command does not send a "Closing Report" to the Central Station, it will still send alarms. NOTE: Bypassed zones (not armed with the system) cannot be armed again until the system has been disarmed, the zones returned to normal, and the system is armed again. Bypassing a zone will compromise your protection. Enter your personal passcode, plus ENT , to cancel. Application Use this command in residential systems to arm the front of your house while the interior and the rear perimeter doors are left unarmed. This gives you freedom of movement between the house and patio. To arm with COMMAND 8: 1. Before arming with COMMAND 8, decide which zones are to be left disarmed. Fault the zones by leaving a door or window open. The zone(s) must remain open until after the exit delay time expires. 2. Press the COMMAND bar. The Command Mode indicator light comes on. 3. Press the 8 key. The PERIMETER indicator light begins to flash. This indicates that the system has begun exit delay time. When the exit delay has expired, the PERIMETER indicator is continuously lit. 4. When performing a COMMAND 8, and no zones are faulted, or the zones return to normal before the exit delay time expires, the system is armed as in COMMAND 3. 5. To disarm your security system or cancel COMMAND 8, enter your personal passcode and press ENT .
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    ‎07-10-2018 03:24 PM
    How to correct point 1 on a D4412 or D6412 will not restore even when using the programmed EOL. Point 1 on the D4412 or D6412 will not restore even after strapping out with the EOL selected in Global Point Configuration. 
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    ‎07-25-2018 03:59 PM
    Issue The D5200 programmer has only 128K RAM, how can it be expanded to 512K?   Solution   The D5215 is a memory circuit board that installs on the main board inside the D5200 programmer. This provides the A drive with an additional 384K of RAM which then brings the total A drive compacity to 512K.       Part numbers D5200, D5215
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    ‎05-23-2018 08:24 PM
    What is a System Fault 04 on a DS7400Xi Control Panel DS7400,DS7400XIVER2,DS7400XIVER3+,DS7400XIVER4+,DS7400X,DS7400Xi
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    ‎06-29-2018 05:50 PM
      Issue Symptom The keypad displays Oct. Relay Fault. Probable Cause The octal relay module ( DS7488 ) is defective or the wiring to the module is defective. There is not a DS7488 or a DS7488 has been removed from the system. Solution Check the wiring to the module. Enter the programming mode. This will rescan the options bus and clear the problem. Part numbers DS7400X, DS7400, DS7400Xi, DS7400XIVER2, DS7400XIVER3+, DS7400XIVER4+,  DS7488
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    ‎06-15-2018 08:44 PM
    Part numbers D192C, D192G, D2212, D2212E, D2212BE, D2412, D2812
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    ‎05-31-2018 09:27 PM
    How to interpret Skeds 41 and above when only 40 schedules are available.  Why does the panel log file or central station report show skeds between 41 and 56 executed with only skeds 1-40 available in programming?
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    ‎06-27-2018 04:20 PM
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