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    ‎03-18-2024 03:48 PM
    Network Docent scans and visualizes the network environment and is giving simple insight into all devices and cable connections of a network based system. This Software can help you to identify network errors and find quick solutions to fix them. You even can extract an Network snapshot which is an important log file for the Technical Support.  
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    ‎02-26-2024 09:29 AM
    If you are facing unknown problems with your DICENTIS wired system and you need advice from the technical support on that we will ask for log files and other information to start our analysis. For that reason this little program was created to make the extraction of all needed log files, system settings and other data more easily to extract. In future it is planed to integrate this in our software.
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    ‎04-06-2021 11:35 AM
    In order to add authorizations to an existing license, the current license key is required as well as the new authorization numbers. How to find this key is detailed in another article: How to find the license key loaded in a DCN-CCU2 Follow the next steps for adding the new authorizations: Go to Fill in the CCU's Serial Number and CHK: Enter the current license key (this is found on the license key document received after activating the previous authorization numbers). In the following windows the license information is shown and it's possible to add additional authorization numbers. If multiple authorization numbers need to be added, choose "Next Authorization" If all authorization numbers are added, choose "Finish register" Next window will give the opportunity to register a spare CCU if applicable. A last verification is done in the next window, if things need to be changed, the process goes back to step 4. The license key with all information is shown on the next page. Note that the Print button doesn't work in all browsers, for this refer to "Printing the License Key document to PDF" Upload the license key into your CCU or NCO. The Bosch ‘download and license tool’ is to be used to upload your license into a CCU2.
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    ‎11-01-2022 02:47 PM
    The DICENTIS cannot handle more than one enabled NIC at the same time and this could lead that it choose the wrong NIC and interrupts the system. This will be specially important if you use your own Server. To solve this problem it is necessary to precisely define the DICENTIS NIC. These next few steps will show you how to do that.
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    ‎01-20-2023 01:06 PM
    The DetectDevices script was developed to give a fast feedback on connection problems or any other failure within the DICENTIS wired system. It will simulate a device and give out an advanced log file which can be used to track sporadic or normal connection problems. The technical support will provide this tool to get a deeper look into some issues if needed.
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    ‎08-21-2023 09:49 AM
    The DICENTIS Server has a own log file system which is working in the back ground and is called LogDump. If something went wrong during the operation it will be reported in there. In many times this is a good tool for error analysis as well as fault detection and will often requested by the Technical Support for pre-analysis. In the next Step-by-step guide it will be shown how to extract the LogDump file form DICENTIS Conference System.
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    ‎03-15-2024 03:07 PM
    Trouble mixing and matching older & newer Dicentis cable assemblies, cables and connectors. The problem is usually that the cables and connectors do not fit together correctly or it's very hard to put them together.
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    ‎03-15-2024 03:28 PM
    DICENTIS installation log files are needed for further analysis for Technical support team if the software update failed or later some errors occurred. Below it is explained how you can extract DICENTIS installation log files.
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    ‎03-15-2024 03:25 PM
    In some cases the log file from the Dicentis Server become too big and it has to be cleared to reduce the size from time to time. The normal size is between 10MB and 50MB depending on the operation time but it should normally not grow over 100MB. If it does exceed, is most likely a fatal error within the DICENTIS system which produce a lot of logging each minute. It could be possible that the driver of the Network Card (3rd party Server) to become intermittent and the log file to grow to 300MB. In the next steps we will show you how to clear the logging.
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    ‎12-13-2022 03:04 PM
    This article explains step by step wow to enable web server configuration for PRA-ES8P2S.
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    ‎06-30-2021 11:10 AM
    In some cases, especially if you use a 3rd party PC as DICENTIS Server, it could be necessary to update your network driver. For example, if discussion units show a red LED from time to time or your DICENTIS is dropping out it could be related to the network driver. Be aware that a normal Windows Update will not refresh this driver and you have to update it manually!
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