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    ‎07-17-2018 06:24 PM
    How to enable/disabling encoding tones on the D1254 Keypad used wth the D7112.
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    ‎07-17-2018 02:50 PM
      How to perform Zone Test from a Master Keypad on the DS7400 Series. DS7400,DS7400X,DS7400Xi,DS7400Xi (Ver 3+),DS7400Xi (Ver 4+)  
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    ‎05-24-2018 04:12 PM
    How many keypads can be installed on a DS7400XI V4 control panel? DS7447I,DS7400XIVER4+,DS7445
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    ‎06-20-2018 05:28 PM
     Can the D125B be Used to Power 2 Wire Smokes on the D7112? Yes, see technogram number (73-06116-000-C) 1993 (attached). Listings and Approvals Underwriters Laboratories lists the D7112 ControVCommunicator as a Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter (DACT) for: NFPA 71 Central Station, NFPA 72 Chapter 6 Local, NFPA 72 Chapter 8 Remote Station, NFPA 74 Household Fire Warning. The D7112 also has the following Approvals: CSFM and NYC-MEA (formerly NYC-BSA).
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    ‎06-28-2018 05:14 PM
    Issue What do the error displays mean on the DS7080i ? Solution Error Displays Control panel problems are indicated by a flashing green Power Light. The DS7447 display will also read “Control Trouble, Enter # 8 7.” The DS7445 will only flash the green Power Light. The Error messages may only be read when the control is disarmed. Contact your installing company if the problems persist. 1.) DS7447 - “AC Power Failure”: DS7445 - LED 1 turns on steady: There is a power failure and the panel is operating on backup battery. 2.) DS7447 - “Battery Trouble”: DS7445 - LED 2 turns on steady: If the system has just been through a power failure, wait at least two hours for the battery to recharge, then enter a PIN + [System Reset] to perform a battery test. 3.) DS7447 - “Communicator Err”: DS7445 - LED 3 turns on steady: The communicator failed to communicate with the central station. 4.) DS7447 - “System Fault”: DS7445 - LED 4 turns on steady: Internal error in the control circuitry or optional circuitry. These faults are displayed as follows: RAM Fault ROM Fault EEPROM Fault TRBL Zone Fault. 5.) DS7447 - “Keypad Fault”: DS7445 - LED 5 turns on steady: One of the keypads is not responding to the control panel. 6). DS7447 - “Aux Power Fault”: DS7445 - LED 8 turns on steady: The auxiliary power has been shorted. 7.) DS7447 - “Zone Trouble”: DS7445 - LED 6 turns on steady: One of the zones is not responding to the control panel. This may also be displayed during power-up (if so, ignore). * = If in “Residential Mode”, a PIN is not required for these commands. ** = Battery Trouble and Communicator Err displays must be cleared by the [System Reset] command sequence even after the problem has been remedied. These displays will not self clear. All the other error displays will self clear from the keypads once the problem has been remedied.
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    ‎06-17-2018 11:27 PM
    Part numbers DS7400X, DS7400, DS7400Xi, DS7400XIVER2, DS7400XIVER3+, DS7400XIVER4+, DS7420i
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    ‎06-12-2018 10:55 PM
    How to determine the max wire length and number of keypads available on the DS7090. DS7090,DS7090I,DS7090TM,DS7090TMI
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    ‎05-24-2018 04:10 PM
    How is the passcode changed on a DS7090? DS7090TM,DS7090TMI,DS7090I,DS7090
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    ‎06-25-2018 03:20 PM
    D7112 Overview: Firmware Revision 3.57 is NOT compatible with the D7112 panels with a date code of X9416 or higher.   Issue   Panel is non responsive to any programming.   Solution   Firmware Revision 3.57 is NOT compatible with the D7112 panels with a date code of X9416 or higher.
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    ‎06-19-2018 09:45 PM
    How to make the DS7060 panel send a 3 digit account number.
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    ‎06-15-2018 09:34 PM
    How to determine the maximum wire distance for the DS7091. DS7090,DS7090TM,DS7091
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    ‎06-14-2018 06:23 PM
    Issue How is the phone line monitor turned on or off in programming?   Solution   DS7100 version 5.03 or higher. The phone line monitor feature has been enhanced to provide output to allow enabling or disabling of the featrure through programming and to automatically reset after the phone line is restrored. The feature is controlled in data digit 2 of program address 89. To enable the phone line fault monitor without an audible output, program line 89 as 0200. To enable the phone line fault monitor with a keypad warning beep when the system is disarmed and siren output when the system is armed, program line 89 as 0600. To disable phone line fault monitor program line 89 as 0000.
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    ‎05-23-2018 08:38 PM
    What does the partial light flashing mean on the keypad, and how is it cleared? DS7100
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    ‎05-23-2018 08:24 PM
    What is a System Fault 04 on a DS7400Xi Control Panel DS7400,DS7400XIVER2,DS7400XIVER3+,DS7400XIVER4+,DS7400X,DS7400Xi
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    ‎07-11-2018 06:35 PM
    Issue What is the 8 zone expansion module that is used on the DS7080IP32 control panel?   Solution   The EX8 would be the 8 zone expander module used to expand the DS7080IP32 panel. This expander wires on the keypad bus and can be addressed as 9-16 with no jumper (module address 101) or 17-24 with a jumper across pins 1 (module address 102), or zones 25-32 with a jumper across pins 2 (module address 103). You must use 9-16 first and power must be cycled after address changes for them to take effect.
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    ‎07-11-2018 05:23 PM
    How to interpret the Alert Light flashing the DS7100 panel keypad after disarming. DS7140,DS7100.
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    ‎07-10-2018 08:58 PM
    Issue How can I get the panel to test the bell when the system is Armed? Solution In order to have the bell sound at the end of the Arming Sequence, you must follow the steps listed below: Put the system into program mode by either entering the INSTALLERS (Default is 98765) CODE # 0 or holding down the S1 pin on the middle of the control board down towards the bottom. Type in 81 # and see what the first data digit is and make a note of it. Ex. D1=1. Press # again to see what the second data digit is and make a note of it. Ex. D2=0. Press # again to see what the third data digit is and make a note of it. Ex. D3=7. Press # again to see what the fourth and final data digit is and make a note of it. Ex. D4=6 Ex  D1=1 D2=0 D3=7 D4=6 for a complete number of 1076. In order to have the system do the Bell test when arming you must make digit 2 a 2 or a 3 and the other digits will stay the same. 2 would give you the following: Test Bell but NOT the Phone line upon arming. 3 would give you the following: Test Phone line AND Bell upon arming. Now press the * twice to get you back to the ADR= and do the following: To make the change with the number 2 option you will press 811276# OR To make the change with the number 3 option you will press 811376# After that you can hold * down for 3 seconds, release it, and test the changes out.
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    ‎07-02-2018 04:17 PM
    Issue Can not get some of the functions to work on the command center. Overveiw: Some functions require you to enter single partition mode when using a master keypad. Soultion The following command require that you are in single partition mode when entering from a master keypad. ( valid code ## ) History read-back Chime mode Checking zone status Checking zone troubles status Bypassing zones      Part numbers DS7400X, DS7400, DS7400Xi, DS7400XIVER2, DS7400XIVER3+, DS7400XIVER4+, DS7447, DS745, DS7447E,  
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    ‎06-22-2018 09:19 PM
    How to bypass the tamper input on the DX2010.
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    ‎06-22-2018 07:25 PM
    How to correct the D8128A is inoperative when wired according to terminal labeling. D7212B,D7212B1,D9112B,D9112B1,D8129,D7112
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