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    ‎07-23-2018 08:52 PM
    Why does the keypad read "Not Ready" for all points that are wired as doubled points 2 - 16?
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    ‎07-24-2018 04:50 PM
    What functions can be performed with the RF3341 wireless keypad?
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    ‎07-24-2018 04:50 PM
    Where does the phone number information get entered in programming to instruct the end user to contact the security company when the help key is pressed on the D1260 keypad?
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    ‎07-23-2018 07:52 PM
    How to dim or brighten the display on the D1255 keypad?
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    ‎07-23-2018 06:48 PM
    How to correct the D8112/5505 not sending a Reboot report. The 8112/5505 panel is communicating alarm and trouble signals but after resetting the panel it does not report the reboot.  5505,D8112A,D8112E1,D8112G1,D8112G2
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    ‎07-23-2018 07:59 PM
    How to interpret the keypad display 'SDI Fail' with a device number. D9412GV2,D9412G,D7412G,D7412GV2
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    ‎07-23-2018 03:48 PM
    How to interpret the keypad display: SERVC 9210.
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    ‎07-23-2018 03:22 PM
    How to interpret the 'Check Device' display on a D1255 or D1260 keypad. Why does the keypad display "Check Device"? How to locate which point generated the 'Check Device' display and modify programming to prevent the display.
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    ‎07-20-2018 03:08 PM
    How to program a duress code that operates normally but sends duress to a receiver.
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    ‎07-20-2018 03:03 PM
    How to progrma the 4112/5503 to send reboot reports.
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    ‎07-19-2018 10:56 PM
      How to progrma the 6112/5503 to send reboot reports. 6112/5503panel is communicating alarm and trouble signals but, when I do a disable restart it will not send the reboot signal.  
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    ‎07-19-2018 10:46 PM
    How to unbypass points on the D7112 panel.
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    ‎07-19-2018 09:46 PM
    How to determine the number of EN1224-ON fobs are available on a G series control panel.
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    ‎07-18-2018 10:25 PM
     The B-Series panel onboard relay can be configured for either: Aux Power Common output Standard Form-C relay Aux Power configuration, Right two pins covered, the C terminal has 12Vdc available and upon activation will switch to the NO terminal.  Relay A turned off, NO to Common reads 0Vdc. Relay A turned on, NO to Common reads +12Vdc. Aux Common configuration,  Left two pins covered, the C terminal is Common.  Upon activation Common is switched to the NO terminal. Relay A turned off, NO to Aux= 0Vdc Relay A turned on, NO to Aux= 12Vdc Dry Contact Configuration No jumper used, NO and C and NC works as a standard dry contact.   Relay A turned off, NO to C= Open, NC to C= Short Relay A turned on, NO to C= Short, NC to C= Open      
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    ‎07-18-2018 07:59 PM
      Does Max Number of B208 Limit the number of B308's that can be used?  Or, Does Max Number of B308s Limit the number of B208 's that can be used?  No. The maximum number of B208 modules and B308 modules that are available to the panel type can be connected at one time. The only limit would be available power and SDI2 cable distance specifications which are detailed in the module documentation as well as the panel Installation and System Reference Guide (ISRG).
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    ‎07-18-2018 05:06 PM
    How to determine the part number for the DS934 long range mirror.
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    ‎07-18-2018 04:59 PM
    How to configure Remote Security Control to work withcompatible alarm panels.
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    ‎07-17-2018 10:32 PM
    How to determine the number of popits that can be mounted in the D8103 enclosure. D9127U,D8103,D8109
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    ‎07-17-2018 10:19 PM
    What is the expansion module for the DS7080IP32 panel?
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    ‎07-17-2018 10:17 PM
    How to change passcodes on the DS7100 control panel.
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