The history log should be used as a first resource to isolate the source of ongoing point or system troubles. When central station reports appear to conflict with panel operation, the history log will reveal the actual events which were processed by the panel.
View Point Status is an important part of troubleshooting which is used to determine the current state of input points. For example, when the panel annunciates a point trouble, view point status will display if the point is missing or faulted in an open or short state.
This article describes how to correct a situation where text in the main page of RPS appears normal but text in the panel account programming page is much smaller.
How to prepare for the D6600 upgrade from version 1 to version 2 firmware.
What to be aware of when upgrading the D6600 receiver from version 1 toversion 2 firmware.
D6600, D6200, D6640, D6641
RPS connection to the IP of the Cellular Card when using a B450 on any the following panels, GV2 with Firmare 7.06 and higher, GV3 Firmware 8.0x and the FPD-7024 with Firmware 1.03 and higher.
Find out how you can fix the RPS when it returns the message: Invalid Panel Type when attempting a network connection to a B8512G, B9512G or B-series panel.