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    Conference & Discussion

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    ‎04-06-2021 11:39 AM
    System setup with multiple cameras and a supported multiviewer: Orange: Ethernet connections, red: audio or video connections, blue: HD-SDI Follow the manuals for the multi-viewers. They can be found at their manufacturer’s websites: TvOne Corio Matrix Mini User Manual Kramer MV 6 User Manual Make sure that to get this setup to work, both the multi-viewer and the CCS1000D Control Unit should be in the same VLAN/subnet. Also, use the correct port to connect to the multiviewer: TvOne Corio Matrix Mini; port 10001, example: Kramer MV 6; port 5000, example:
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    ‎04-06-2021 11:56 AM
    Description: The RESTful API of the CCS1000D is used in order to get a clear view of the state of the discussion devices’ microphones (amongst other things). However, when a Priority call is made, the other speakers still show as active even though they are muted in reality. Solution: This is actually as it' supposed to work. The reason the speakers still show as active is because they remain in the speaker list while the priority call comes through (in this case, the chairperson making an announcement overruling all other parties) is that in the system there’s a difference between speakers being muted and speakers being removed from the speaker list. In this case, after the priority call ends, the speakers are unmuted and can resume the discussion. It’s also possible to configure the system to stop all speakers and remove all waiting participants from the request list. If the system is setup in this way and the chairperson starts speaking, the system will indeed erase all other speakers and waiting speakers. The API can be used to create a custom interface. This means that logic can be added so the preferred outcome is created. In this case it means that the custom interface needs to poll for the speakers list but also needs to take in account that when a priority call comes through (also pollable) this means the others are muted. Using these two givens can then be used to for example change the icons of the speakers to a ‘muted’ state in the custom interface.
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    ‎02-12-2024 08:50 AM
    The new INT-TXO Integrus Transmitter integrates the Integrus system in the DICENTIS via OMNEO. Old Radiators and Receivers stay the same and existing equipment can be used in the DICENTIS now with the new INT-TXO transmitter. It is usable from software version 4.20 onward and is made for DICENTIS only usage at the moment. But it will be open up in future for the usage of 3rd party devices which than are planned to be managed with the Dante Controller software. Please visit our product page for more information. 
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    ‎05-12-2023 08:52 AM
    When using a fixed IP addresses in a multi-subnet Dicentis system, certain settings need to be made for the system to function well. If the settings are not made correctly, the system can stop functioning & disconnect from the server.
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    ‎04-06-2021 11:58 AM
    A participant who uses a seat with Priority permissions set was not able to use the Priority button and interrupt other participants in the meeting.
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    ‎03-15-2024 03:07 PM
    Trouble mixing and matching older & newer Dicentis cable assemblies, cables and connectors. The problem is usually that the cables and connectors do not fit together correctly or it's very hard to put them together.
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    ‎01-03-2023 08:20 AM
    If you can't see the DICENTIS Server Console Item in the right tab anymore this article will help you to surface them again.
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    ‎12-13-2022 03:04 PM
    This article explains step by step wow to enable web server configuration for PRA-ES8P2S.
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    ‎08-21-2023 09:48 AM
    For some reasons it could be necessary that the the Technical Support needs this logging to analyze what could cause the trouble. This guide will help you to get through . This topic can as well be found in the Configuration Manual of Dicentis wireless page 34. DICENTIS_Configuration_Manual   Preconditions:   You need at least a user with access right: Configure Logging export is not available for tablets. The log file can only store about 1200 lines! That means you need to extract the logging after the error or symptoms occurred before the system overrides the logging line.  It may be to late if you extract the logging after some days.  
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    ‎08-24-2021 05:20 PM
    Possible causes and solution(s) Causes   The Dicentis does not need any additional encryption to be set via the OMNEO Firmware Upload Tool. (OFUT) If you have set this by accident it could lead to that you can not see or update your units with the OFUT any more.   Solution:   stop the Firmware Upload Tool delete the following file  C:\Program Files\Bosch\OMNEO\Firmware Upload Tool\FirmwareUploadHIConfig.ini start the Firmware Upload Tool   Encrypted devices did not show up and you can not update them anymore. Do not set a password for default!   Open and delete this file  C:\Program Files\Bosch\OMNEO\Firmware Upload Tool\FirmwareUploadHIConfig.ini   Open the OFUT and units will appear again.  
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    ‎01-20-2023 01:06 PM
    The DetectDevices script was developed to give a fast feedback on connection problems or any other failure within the DICENTIS wired system. It will simulate a device and give out an advanced log file which can be used to track sporadic or normal connection problems. The technical support will provide this tool to get a deeper look into some issues if needed.
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    ‎05-09-2024 04:14 PM
    To send or receive a multicast Dante stream for example from different languages it will require some DCNM-LDANTE licenses but if you only need it for import and export audio signals the DCNM-LSYS includes already one channel (floor).
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    ‎03-18-2024 03:41 PM
    The Conference protocol is a platform-independent protocol which is based on Web-Socket technology to enable scalability of the DICENTIS system and it connects with the DICENTIS web server. This is a small introduction to test if the web socket is basically working and if the connection is right.
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    ‎02-23-2023 08:17 AM
    If RSTP is not enabled in an looped system packets will loop infinitely exhausting all available bandwidth and could cause an overflow of MAC address tables. In the end it will result in a broadcast storm and breakdown of the entire network.
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    ‎05-09-2024 04:05 PM
    After upgrading to DICENTIS Conference system 3.60, TLS1.0 is disabled for security reasons, and TLS1.2 is enabled. Since the Multimedia device does not support TLS1.2, it does not show logo and participant images anymore.
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    ‎03-15-2024 03:25 PM
    In some cases the log file from the Dicentis Server become too big and it has to be cleared to reduce the size from time to time. The normal size is between 10MB and 50MB depending on the operation time but it should normally not grow over 100MB. If it does exceed, is most likely a fatal error within the DICENTIS system which produce a lot of logging each minute. It could be possible that the driver of the Network Card (3rd party Server) to become intermittent and the log file to grow to 300MB. In the next steps we will show you how to clear the logging.
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    ‎05-09-2024 04:26 PM
    The DICENTIS cannot handle more than one enabled NIC at the same time and this could lead that it choose the wrong NIC and interrupts the system. This will be specially important if you use your own Server. To solve this problem it is necessary to precisely define the DICENTIS NIC. These next few steps will show you how to do that.
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    ‎08-21-2023 09:49 AM
    The DICENTIS Server has a own log file system which is working in the back ground and is called LogDump. If something went wrong during the operation it will be reported in there. In many times this is a good tool for error analysis as well as fault detection and will often requested by the Technical Support for pre-analysis. In the next Step-by-step guide it will be shown how to extract the LogDump file form DICENTIS Conference System.
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    a month ago
    If you are facing unknown problems with your DICENTIS wired system and you need advice from the technical support on that we will ask for log files and other information to start our analysis. For that reason this little program was created to make the extraction of all needed log files, system settings and other data more easily to extract. In future it is planed to integrate this in our software.
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    ‎06-30-2021 11:10 AM
    In some cases, especially if you use a 3rd party PC as DICENTIS Server, it could be necessary to update your network driver. For example, if discussion units show a red LED from time to time or your DICENTIS is dropping out it could be related to the network driver. Be aware that a normal Windows Update will not refresh this driver and you have to update it manually!
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