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    ‎11-27-2024 03:35 PM
    In some cases it could be necessary that you need to maintain the Microsoft SQL database which DICENTIS is using to save participants, user, seats and settings. In the next steps I will explain some of the basics commands.
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    ‎11-27-2024 03:34 PM
    Symptoms: When a meeting is recorded and the recording software (either Meeting Recorder or Open Interface connection) is shut down, the microphone control mode switches to "Open", independent of what it was before.
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    ‎11-27-2024 03:34 PM
    If you are facing problems with the API to construct your own synoptic view you can take a look at the RESTful API test page as well as Synoptic control example.
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    ‎11-27-2024 03:34 PM
    This article explains step by step wow to enable web server configuration for PRA-ES8P2S.
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    ‎11-27-2024 03:34 PM
    Details on the RS232 connector can be found in the installation and User Instructions manual since version 3.1x for example found in the DCN-NG software ISO under docs
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    ‎11-27-2024 03:33 PM
    If you can't see the DICENTIS Server Console Item in the right tab anymore this article will help you to surface them again.
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    ‎11-27-2024 03:33 PM
    The DetectDevices script was developed to give a fast feedback on connection problems or any other failure within the DICENTIS wired system. It will simulate a device and give out an advanced log file which can be used to track sporadic or normal connection problems. The technical support will provide this tool to get a deeper look into some issues if needed.
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    ‎11-27-2024 03:32 PM
    Ping messages are coming through, but the connection messages are not. This could for example have to do with a firewall blocking messages.
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    ‎11-27-2024 03:32 PM
    If RSTP is not enabled in an looped system packets will loop infinitely exhausting all available bandwidth and could cause an overflow of MAC address tables. In the end it will result in a broadcast storm and breakdown of the entire network.
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    ‎11-27-2024 03:32 PM
    Time and date are set manually on the WAP. Once a month, the time needs to be set again as time drifts over time.
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    ‎11-27-2024 02:38 PM
    When using a fixed IP addresses in a multi-subnet Dicentis system, certain settings need to be made for the system to function well. If the settings are not made correctly, the system can stop functioning & disconnect from the server.
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    ‎11-27-2024 02:37 PM
    Unexpected behavior or no reaction of DCN-SW.
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    ‎11-27-2024 02:37 PM
    For some reasons it could be necessary that the the Technical Support needs this logging to analyze what could cause the trouble. This guide will help you to get through . This topic can as well be found in the Configuration Manual of Dicentis wireless page 34. DICENTIS_Configuration_Manual   Preconditions:   You need at least a user with access right: Configure Logging export is not available for tablets. The log file can only store about 1200 lines! That means you need to extract the logging after the error or symptoms occurred before the system overrides the logging line.  It may be to late if you extract the logging after some days.  
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    ‎11-27-2024 02:37 PM
    The DICENTIS Server has a own log file system which is working in the back ground and is called LogDump. If something went wrong during the operation it will be reported in there. In many times this is a good tool for error analysis as well as fault detection and will often requested by the Technical Support for pre-analysis. In the next Step-by-step guide it will be shown how to extract the LogDump file form DICENTIS Conference System.
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    ‎11-27-2024 02:36 PM
    If the document with the license key for DCN-NG was lost, there is still a way to find the license key currently loaded in a DCN-CCU2, this article shows how.
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    ‎11-27-2024 02:36 PM
    To use the software modules, the software needs to be licensed. In order to receive licenses for the software, the keys need to be registered online.
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    ‎11-27-2024 02:36 PM
    Click the Licensing button to open the Licensing page. Licensing is only required when you purchase software licenses. The Licensing page provides you with an overview of the activated licenses. Activate a license: To activate software you need to have an activation ID which was send by email after purchasing the software license. Activation requires a USB memory stick and any PC connected to the internet. Note 1: License activation is not supported for tablets. Note 2: While the same licenses are used by Dicentis Wired, the process to activate them on the Dicentis Wireless system are different, so please follow the below steps to activate the licenses on Dicentis Wireless. Insert the USB memory stick into the PC connected to the Wireless Access Point (DCNM‑WAP). Click the Add license button. Enter all required Customer information and Activation ID, click the Add license button and then the Activate button. Note: You can add more than one Activation ID. When all activation IDs are added, click the Activate button. A “save as“ dialog is shown. Save the “request file“ to your USB memory stick.  Go to the website using a PC/Laptop which is connected to the internet, and login. If you do not have a username, contact your local Bosch representative to acquire an account. Go to “manage license” and upload the “request file” from the USB memory stick. Save the “response file“ to your USB memory stick. In the DICENTIS web browser interface application, click the  Process response message button. Select the correct response file from the USB memory stick, and then click “Open”. Now the license is activated. New functionality is added and can be used by the system.
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    ‎11-27-2024 02:34 PM
    The new INT-TXO Integrus Transmitter integrates the Integrus system in the DICENTIS via OMNEO. Old Radiators and Receivers stay the same and existing equipment can be used in the DICENTIS now with the new INT-TXO transmitter. It is usable from software version 4.20 onward and is made for DICENTIS only usage at the moment. But it will be open up in future for the usage of 3rd party devices which than are planned to be managed with the Dante Controller software. Please visit our product page for more information. 
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    ‎11-27-2024 02:34 PM
    This short instruction will show you how to return and activate DICENTIS licenses with the old license model. It is capt for documentation purpose since some old license system are still in the market. This instruction is only meant for the old license model with DCNM-LSYS and single function licenses which we stopped selling in 2024 and must be changed at some point in time to the new license model if you want to have further updates of our software. We will make special offers after the SMA extinguished to our customers and we expect that most of them will be switching within 5 years to Premium or Ultimate our new participant based license system. The new license system does only work with >5.00 or higher wile the register function was already implemented in 4.40.
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    ‎11-27-2024 02:33 PM
    Trouble mixing and matching older & newer Dicentis cable assemblies, cables and connectors. The problem is usually that the cables and connectors do not fit together correctly or it's very hard to put them together.
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