How to force Remote Programming Software (RPS) to connect to the panel from a keypad.
Remote Programming Software, Answer, 2000 series, D2212, D2412, D2812, D4412, D6412
How to determine the values to enter for the Poll Rate and Ack Wait Time.
Note: The calculation described is only be required on legacy control panels. The B8512G/B9512G and GV4 types only need a Receiver Supervision Time selection. The Poll Rate, Ack Wait and Retry count will automatically populate.
The formula for determining Poll Rate and Ack Wait Time is as follows:
Panel setting: Poll Rate + Ack Wait + ( Retry Count X Ack Wait)
Receiver setting: Panel Poll + Ack Wait
Panel setting = Receiver setting
Example: Panel Setting: Poll Rate = 240; Ack Wait = 10; Retry Count = 5 Panel setting: 240+10+ (5 X 10) = 300
Receiver Settings: Poll = 240; Ack = 60 Receiver setting: 240 + 60 = 300
300 = 300 Refer to the the following site for more information on setting up Conettix Devices
The keypad displays the Access Module Door Point is in trouble. Diagnostics displays the point as missing.
T+ (Tamper Input) of the Access Module is an unsupervised input that is normal when open. Upon a short, the Door Point number assigned to the supervised zone of the Access Module is reported as a MISSING PT###.
How to determine which wireless interface to use with the EN1224-ON keyfob.
How to determine which control panels the EN1224-ON keyfob can be used with.
Is the EN1224-ON compatible with D7212 panel types (G, GV2, GV3 or GV4)?
How to configure two readers to a single door, one to enter through a door and a second to exit through the door. Access Control, Reader, Door, Enter, Exit, Card, Egress, D9210B, D9210C, D7412, D9412, D7412G, D9412G, D7412GV2, D9412GV2, D7412GV3, D9412GV3, D7412GV4, D9412GV4
Once a custom function is created, how does it run at the keypad? D9412G,D7412G,D7212,D7212B,D7212B1,D7212G,D9112,D9112B,D9112B1,D7412,D9412,D7212GV2,D7212GV3,D7212GV4,D7412GV2,D7412GV3,D7412GV4,D9412GV2,D9412GV3,D9412GV