Watch Mode Only- This point will not create alarm or trouble responses and will not generate reports to the Central Monitoring Station.
Program the Point: Select Point Type= 0. Select all Yes/No options= NO. Set Alarm Report Routing = 0: No Reports, No Events to Log/Printer. Set Restoral Report Routing = 0: No Reports, No Events to Log/Printer. Select Watch Tone and enable Watch Point: Select [Cmd] + 62 to select the watch tone. Select [Cmd] + 63 to select the watch point(s).
Where does the phone number information get entered in programming to instruct the end user to contact the security company when the help key is pressed on the D1260 keypad?
A BROKEN Green Circle could mean the following:
Points are faulted and you can turn the system on to bypass those faulted points.
Chime points are faulted and you would be hearing a Chime Tone.
Both conditions are occuring.
How do you unbypass a fire point? D7212B1,D9124,D9412,D9412G,D9112,D9112B,D9112B1,D7412G,D7212,D7212B,D7212B1,D7212G,D7412, D9412GV2,D7412GV2,D9412GV3,D7412GV3,D9412GV4,D7412GV4