Bosch Building Technologies

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    ‎12-21-2023 10:13 AM
    New check in BVMS Configuration Client has been implemented, which blocks the disabling of the "Secure connection" if camera port 1756 is disabled. This should prevent the camera from getting "unreachable" by miss-configuration of the administrator. 
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    ‎12-20-2023 03:08 PM
    The MG Camera Name and Number Setting (BVMS Configuration Client, under MG Camera Settings) was not designed for BVMS Operator Client cameo, but in fact for the CPP-Enc type of decoder like VJD-3000.
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    ‎12-19-2023 02:49 PM
    In case you have noticed a gap between the left and right of the lens installation, this might cause improperly focus for the camera's image. Therefore, please proceed as explained in this article.
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    ‎12-19-2023 10:57 AM
    During the authentication process with Bosch cameras to a RADIUS server, the event “5400 Authentication failed” occurs. Find out from this article what you can do in this case.
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    ‎12-19-2023 10:39 AM
    Please note that this recommendation might help, but cannot guarantee the high quality of the image. It depends on the camera FoV and the environment where the camera is installed.
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    ‎12-19-2023 10:24 AM
    Welcome to the 3.5 release of Video Security for Windows, Android and iOS. There are new features in this release, some of the highlights are explained within this article.
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    ‎12-18-2023 09:44 AM
    Please configure the same time zone on the PC, download the Remote Portal activation file again and then you will be able to load it into Config Client and license the system.
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    ‎12-14-2023 01:41 PM
    Mercury vapor lights are banned in many countries. There are a variety of phosphor coatings used by different lighting brands resulting in different color temperatures.
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    ‎12-13-2023 03:15 PM
    Maintaining the highest level of data security requires continuous improvements in all the system components - including software and device firmware. Recent changes in the camera firmware are focused on improving the security level overall.
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    ‎12-13-2023 02:49 PM
    The Bosch camera can make up to two (2) recorded tours. A recorded tour saves all manual camera movements made during the recording, including its rate of pan, tilt and zoom speeds, and other lens setting changes.
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    100% helpful (3/3)
    ‎12-07-2023 01:27 PM
    The attached documents should help you to make the upgrade process as smooth as possible. The upgrade itself is not restricted to BVMS software only. The supported software and firmware versions can be found in the release notes of the related BVMS version.
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    ‎12-07-2023 08:03 AM
    You should only subscribe directly to this article (Option 1) or to the software_release_notification label (Option 2) and you will receive a notification in your inbox every time when a new Software version is released and added to the lists within this article.
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    ‎12-05-2023 08:25 AM
    Different devices, whether cameras or encoders, offer a different amount of processing power for video content analysis (VCA).
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    ‎12-05-2023 08:21 AM
    IVA pro Buildings pack and Traffic pack on CPP14 use the following resolutions: 1280x720 resolution for 25/30 fps base rate,  1024x576 resolution for 50/60 fps base rate.
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    ‎12-01-2023 01:49 PM
    Starting with BVMS v10.0, you can leverage VRM Encryption Technology.
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    ‎12-01-2023 01:12 PM
    Glutton (German: Vielfraß) defines and prevents a camera or multi-channel encoder from mounting and consuming  a large number of  blocks in a very short time.
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    ‎11-30-2023 01:46 PM
    During the troubleshooting process, the Central Technical Support team often needs to run several different loggers to gain a more complete understanding of the problem.  You can use custom console traces to regroup and run different loggers that are not combined in the default Server Admin list. To create and run custom console traces for Security Center, follow the steps from this article.
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    ‎11-30-2023 01:13 PM
    If replacing a defective camera, the camera must be the same IP address as the defective device, and it cannot contain a GUID from a different VRM.
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    ‎11-29-2023 01:43 PM
    The configured camera TCP port is used from the BVMS Operator Client to the camera. This port is used by the BVMS Operator Client as a destination port. The source port is dynamic and therefore, it cannot be adjusted.
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    ‎11-29-2023 11:31 AM
    Should the inverter produce a sine/sinusoidal wave, a square wave or other?
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