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    ‎01-12-2024 09:46 AM
    Learn from this article how to collect RAID Controller Event log, Diagnostics Logs or Server Report of DIP 6000 AIO via LSA for more in-depth troubleshooting, which might be required by Central Technical Support Team.
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    ‎08-25-2023 12:33 PM
    This article explains how you can collect VRM logs in different versions of it
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    ‎08-21-2023 03:55 PM
    When Central Support Team provide assistance on a specific topic, at some point, customers may be asked to enable the VSG debug logging option. This article answers the question: Where can you find the "VSG debug logging" option in Configuration Client to enable/ disable it?
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    ‎08-21-2023 03:55 PM
    This article presents where are the Transcoder Log settings and how to enable them for log collection.  
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    ‎08-21-2023 09:50 AM
    Central Support Team may ask you to provide them with the log files and configuration file of Intelligent Insights.This article explains you how and where you can get them.
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    ‎08-21-2023 09:43 AM
    Related Products: BVMS SDK, BVMS    Overview: BVMS Scriptlets can be debugged via logging to a logger file or messaging to the Operator workstation. This article describes how to enable BVMS Scriplet logging. You can log to the Server Script log or the Client Script log. Logs are default send to C:\ProgramData\Bosch\VMS\Log   1.Creating Log files ClientScriptLogger – automatically created Creates file “ClientScriptLog.txt” ServerScriptLogger - automatically created  Creates file “ServerScriptLog.txt”   2.Log information to the log files There are 3 methods to log information: Log Info Log Error Log Debug   Examples: [Scriptlet("59c4d66e-9395-4dcc-8d27-90dc2b7a00c4")] public void DemoLogger() { //use refence:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727 MessageBox.Show("Hello World"); Logger.Info("Hello World script started"); Logger.Error("Hello World script started"); Logger.Debug("Hello World script started"); // Not writing to ClientScriptLog.txt ! }   3.Logging Location - C:\ProgramData\Bosch\VMS\Log. The logs are automatically collected by the BVMS Configuration Collection Tool. 4.Changing the location of the BVMS Scriplet Logging.   Server Scripts : Logging Directory can be found in the file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bosch\VMS\AppData\Server\CentralServer\BvmsLogCfg.xml and is defined by the ServerScriptLogAppender path: Default: </appender> <appender name="ServerScriptLogAppender" type="Bosch.Vms.Shared.Logging.Imp.RollingFileAppender, Bosch.Vms.Shared.Logging.Imp"> <file value="%CommonApplicationData%\\Bosch\\VMS\\Log\\ServerScriptLog.txt"/>   Client Scripts : Logging Directory can be found in the file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bosch\VMS\AppData\Client\OpClient\ApplicationWiring\Nvr\LogCfg.xml and is defined by the ClientScriptLogAppender path: Default: </appender> <appender name=“ClientScriptLogAppender" type="Bosch.Vms.Shared.Logging.Imp.RollingFileAppender, Bosch.Vms.Shared.Logging.Imp"> <file value="%CommonApplicationData%\\Bosch\\VMS\\Log\\ClientScriptLog.txt"/>
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    ‎08-21-2023 09:06 AM
    Based on the symptoms of no steaming video, a blank diagnostic log and the message below in the logs, there could be a few possible problems. These would be internal hardware issues.  
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