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    ‎02-21-2023 11:02 AM
    In Bosch VMS it is possible to assign an LDAP user group to a Bosch VMS user group. This article describes why it is important to not assign the same LDAP user group to multiple Bosch VMS user groups.
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    ‎07-07-2023 11:35 AM
    Due to the product design, the configuration of the NIR-50850-MRP (IP IR Illuminator 5000 MRP) is done only in the web browser. Also, this article contains a short explanation about how to setup the NIR-50850-MRP (IP IR Illuminator 5000 MRP).
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    ‎12-08-2022 04:17 PM
    Find out from this article how many cameras can be opened before the workstation is overloaded.
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    ‎07-11-2023 09:59 AM
    By subscribing to a specific topic on the Knowledge Base, you ensure that you receive timely updates and relevant information.
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    ‎08-03-2021 08:55 AM
    If BVMS and VRM are installed on the same machine, it is needed to change the TCP Port of the VRM Monitor.
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    ‎05-19-2023 02:32 PM
    BVMS Operator Client has live issues (black image, the app closes by itself, pixelation of images, same camera shown in multiple cameos although it was only selected once, hibernation/power saving, part of the tree view seen in the Image Panes area). Follow this article and find out how you can check the basics for BVMS Operator Client live issues
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    ‎05-02-2023 11:22 AM
    “Server is not online” message is displayed when accessing BVMS Operator Client. After clicking OK, the Operator Client is opening in a loop and never stops. What should you do?
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    ‎04-12-2023 02:30 PM
    This article provides causes and solutions regarding Netapp E2800 periodically disconnections.
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    ‎05-31-2024 03:35 PM
    This article lists the scenarios in which technical support normally request dump file from a BVMS system.
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    ‎06-04-2024 01:58 PM
    Bosch's Remote System Management service allows you to leverage the power of the Internet of Things (IoT) to provide secure, transparent, and cost-effective asset management throughout the lifecycle of a video system. This service enables end users, system integrators and installers to perform inventory and update management, as well as health monitoring tasks for an entire Bosch video system (DIVAR IP + BVMS + cameras) from one centralized Remote Portal platform.
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    ‎04-12-2024 09:23 AM
    For VRM (Video Recording Manager) stand-alone Systems and Servers with VSG (Video Streaming Gateway) installed, it is strongly recommended to check for Microsoft OS updates before the VRM Master Installer is installed/updated.
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    ‎02-22-2023 01:33 PM
    This article provides the following solution regarding: Bosch CPP7.3 cameras: DHCP does not follow the standard protocol (FW v7.85.0016) Upgrade your camera to FW 7.86.0019 and perform a factory default (access Download Store here). The time effort to fix this in older FW will be planned for early March 2023.
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    ‎08-21-2023 09:43 AM
    Related Products: BVMS SDK, BVMS    Overview: BVMS Scriptlets can be debugged via logging to a logger file or messaging to the Operator workstation. This article describes how to enable BVMS Scriplet logging. You can log to the Server Script log or the Client Script log. Logs are default send to C:\ProgramData\Bosch\VMS\Log   1.Creating Log files ClientScriptLogger – automatically created Creates file “ClientScriptLog.txt” ServerScriptLogger - automatically created  Creates file “ServerScriptLog.txt”   2.Log information to the log files There are 3 methods to log information: Log Info Log Error Log Debug   Examples: [Scriptlet("59c4d66e-9395-4dcc-8d27-90dc2b7a00c4")] public void DemoLogger() { //use refence:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727 MessageBox.Show("Hello World"); Logger.Info("Hello World script started"); Logger.Error("Hello World script started"); Logger.Debug("Hello World script started"); // Not writing to ClientScriptLog.txt ! }   3.Logging Location - C:\ProgramData\Bosch\VMS\Log. The logs are automatically collected by the BVMS Configuration Collection Tool. 4.Changing the location of the BVMS Scriplet Logging.   Server Scripts : Logging Directory can be found in the file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bosch\VMS\AppData\Server\CentralServer\BvmsLogCfg.xml and is defined by the ServerScriptLogAppender path: Default: </appender> <appender name="ServerScriptLogAppender" type="Bosch.Vms.Shared.Logging.Imp.RollingFileAppender, Bosch.Vms.Shared.Logging.Imp"> <file value="%CommonApplicationData%\\Bosch\\VMS\\Log\\ServerScriptLog.txt"/>   Client Scripts : Logging Directory can be found in the file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bosch\VMS\AppData\Client\OpClient\ApplicationWiring\Nvr\LogCfg.xml and is defined by the ClientScriptLogAppender path: Default: </appender> <appender name=“ClientScriptLogAppender" type="Bosch.Vms.Shared.Logging.Imp.RollingFileAppender, Bosch.Vms.Shared.Logging.Imp"> <file value="%CommonApplicationData%\\Bosch\\VMS\\Log\\ClientScriptLog.txt"/>
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    ‎03-26-2024 03:35 PM
    This customer explains step by step what can be done when DIVAR IP 7000 server stopped recording suddenly and the Video Recording Manager service is not running.
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    ‎02-23-2023 09:13 AM
    You can call desired pre-positions (PTZ) of Bosch IP cameras by using OSRD protocol or BiCom protocol. Please check this aticle to find some examples and detailed explanation.
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    ‎05-31-2024 03:36 PM
    This article explains how to enable and collect Video SDK Logs for VSDK based applications.
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    ‎12-13-2022 02:37 PM
    This article provides an answer if the  an OS upgrade to Win2016 can be performed on old DIP 3000, DIP 6000 or 7000 R1.
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    ‎08-02-2022 03:12 PM
    BVMS Version 10.0: please note that, currently, the export mechanisms provided in the BVMS Configuration Client do not export the user-data.
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    3 weeks ago
    Take a look at this article and learn how you can wire the camera alarm input of DINION IP starlight 6000i
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    ‎03-20-2023 09:55 AM
    When the camera operates in automatic Night-Mode and the switching interval is too fast the camera built in protection mechanism will intervene to prevent premature wear of the mechanical IR-Cut filter.
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