This behavior was fixed with the version 2.0.6 of Alarm Management Diagnosis module.
In case the "Service Usage (Latest)" > "Service Usage Details" does not provide results, the browser cache needs to be cleared or a private browser window needs to be used.
Find out from this article where you can find the sample audio files for the cameras added in the Alarm Management for the "Play audio on device" Action.
AI Alarm Verification is applicable to Bosch Remote Portal cameras and 3rd party cameras**, for sites in Alarm Management which support alarm clip upload.
When smoke or fire is been detected, AVIOTEC will sent a Smoke/Fire event to the Alarm Management and at the same time trigger it’s output. Using this output status, we are able to trigger the Alarm Management.
In this article, we will address the difference between Cloud Storage & Event alarm clip and what the customer is entitled to base on the licenses he had purchased.
This document contains information on what situations might happen if no alarm events from a Live Intervention, Video Verification or Virtual Assistant services appear in the Alarm Management Operator Interface and how to advise.