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    ‎08-29-2023 10:41 AM
    With BVMS 11.0, new licensing system was introduced. Attached document describes how to migrate existing activated BVMS licenses from the Bosch Software License Manager System (SLMS) licensing system to the new Bosch Remote Portal licensing.
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    ‎08-29-2023 10:39 AM
    Follow the steps from this article and find out how you can license BVMS Viewer v.11.0  or above for free.
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    ‎08-29-2023 10:26 AM
    This article describes how you can upgrade a BVMS license to a higher version via Bosch Remote Portal. ( eg. from BVMS 11.0  to BVMS 11.1.x )
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    ‎08-29-2023 10:19 AM
    Follow the steps from this article when an error message appears on your DIVAR IP 5000 AIO during license activation process
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    ‎08-29-2023 10:18 AM
    This article contains the LIF fie which will help you to activate the Activation Key from SLMS for BVMS Lite v10.0
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    ‎08-29-2023 10:16 AM
    The System Info File is requested during the BVMS license activation via Remote Portal and can be downloaded by following the steps described in this article
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    ‎08-28-2023 08:55 AM
    This article contains documents attached which describes the installation package for BVMS. Operating system support of the specific BVMS version is listed in the BVMS release notes.
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    ‎08-28-2023 08:52 AM
    Check this article and have a look at the attached documents which describe the settings you must perform after having installed BIS and BVMS on the different computers.
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    ‎08-25-2023 03:05 PM
    This article describes how can you check the status of your SMA for BVMS version≥11.x via Remote Portal.
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    ‎08-25-2023 03:03 PM
    This article describes how can you check the status of your Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for Bosch Video Management System (BVMS)
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    ‎08-23-2023 12:28 PM
    Learn how to design a network on which BVMS can run comfortably.
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    ‎08-21-2023 09:43 AM
    Related Products: BVMS SDK, BVMS    Overview: BVMS Scriptlets can be debugged via logging to a logger file or messaging to the Operator workstation. This article describes how to enable BVMS Scriplet logging. You can log to the Server Script log or the Client Script log. Logs are default send to C:\ProgramData\Bosch\VMS\Log   1.Creating Log files ClientScriptLogger – automatically created Creates file “ClientScriptLog.txt” ServerScriptLogger - automatically created  Creates file “ServerScriptLog.txt”   2.Log information to the log files There are 3 methods to log information: Log Info Log Error Log Debug   Examples: [Scriptlet("59c4d66e-9395-4dcc-8d27-90dc2b7a00c4")] public void DemoLogger() { //use refence:C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727 MessageBox.Show("Hello World"); Logger.Info("Hello World script started"); Logger.Error("Hello World script started"); Logger.Debug("Hello World script started"); // Not writing to ClientScriptLog.txt ! }   3.Logging Location - C:\ProgramData\Bosch\VMS\Log. The logs are automatically collected by the BVMS Configuration Collection Tool. 4.Changing the location of the BVMS Scriplet Logging.   Server Scripts : Logging Directory can be found in the file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bosch\VMS\AppData\Server\CentralServer\BvmsLogCfg.xml and is defined by the ServerScriptLogAppender path: Default: </appender> <appender name="ServerScriptLogAppender" type="Bosch.Vms.Shared.Logging.Imp.RollingFileAppender, Bosch.Vms.Shared.Logging.Imp"> <file value="%CommonApplicationData%\\Bosch\\VMS\\Log\\ServerScriptLog.txt"/>   Client Scripts : Logging Directory can be found in the file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bosch\VMS\AppData\Client\OpClient\ApplicationWiring\Nvr\LogCfg.xml and is defined by the ClientScriptLogAppender path: Default: </appender> <appender name=“ClientScriptLogAppender" type="Bosch.Vms.Shared.Logging.Imp.RollingFileAppender, Bosch.Vms.Shared.Logging.Imp"> <file value="%CommonApplicationData%\\Bosch\\VMS\\Log\\ClientScriptLog.txt"/>
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    ‎08-15-2023 02:51 PM
    This article summarizes the BVMS design details, and serves as a guide to planning a BVMS system with Bosch cameras and storage. It focuses on BVMS combined with the VRM.
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    ‎08-07-2023 09:59 AM
    This article shows what to do in case the following message occurs: "Could not add the following devices"  when adding IP cameras FW 7.87  to BVMS 12.0.
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    ‎08-02-2023 08:32 AM
    BVMS Configuration Client or Operator Client does not display correctly on the DIVAR IP 4000 AIO when opened from the Kiosk mode and appears oversized in fullscreen.
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    ‎07-27-2023 08:52 AM
    The timeline is present, but the recordings appear to be black for all cameras.
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    ‎07-26-2023 01:05 PM
    When logging into BVMS Operator Client, there is an alarm showing up: “System Error - Server alarm queue capacity reached”. Find out from this article what could be the cause and how to solve this.
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    ‎07-26-2023 12:59 PM
    You can lock the control of a PTZ camera for other users. A user with a higher priority can take over the control and lock the camera control. A timeout can be configured for this explicit PTZ locking. If you only take over the control without manually locking it before, the control is locked for the user with lower priority for 5 seconds.
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    ‎07-26-2023 12:48 PM
    The alarms appear, the forensic search is working fine, but the yellow lines don’t appear on the recording line/ timeline. What to do to display the yellow lines in timeline?
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    ‎07-24-2023 11:35 AM
    If you would like to exclude certain Events and Alarms from being written in the BVMS logbook you do have the option to exclude such information.  
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