Bosch Building Technologies

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    ‎02-16-2024 04:01 PM
    In contrast to the moving objects detected in general by IVA 7.10, Camera Trainer allows detection of both moving and non-moving objects, separates, and immediately classifies them. Learn more about Camera Training from this article!
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    ‎07-18-2023 01:29 PM
    This Video should help you to understand, what calibration means, why and when to calibrate the cameras.
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    ‎11-17-2022 09:23 AM
    This articles gives a short introduction to scripting alarm and counter tasks with Intelligent and Essential Video Analytics in FW 7.60. It also provides a broad selection of example scripts for explanation as well as including real world application examples.
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    ‎07-07-2023 02:33 PM
    This article describes how to configure the Map-based calibration and Geolocation in different calibration methods
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    ‎07-17-2023 10:19 AM
    Never lose track of an object of interest! Intelligent Tracking automatically zooms in to and follows a selected Intelligent Video Analytics object as far as possible with the camera.
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    ‎08-14-2023 12:21 PM
    This article describes which camera settings influence the performance of Essential or Intelligent Video Analytics in Bosch IP cameras, and what the best practices are.
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    ‎03-23-2022 09:24 AM
    This technical note summarized the different integration possibilities available today and the clients supplied by Bosch.
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    ‎05-16-2024 02:42 PM
    This article describes how to count with Bosch Video Analytics with How to Video and a Technical Note on the topic.
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    ‎11-17-2022 09:17 AM
    This article describes the camera tamper detection options available with FW 6.30: Scene too dark / bright, global change, reference image check.
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    ‎11-18-2021 04:24 PM
    This article provides an overview of object classification, describes how to configure it and what the limitations are.
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    ‎08-14-2023 11:08 AM
    This article describes how to benchmark Video Analytics and differentiate video analytics solutions.
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    ‎12-05-2023 08:25 AM
    Different devices, whether cameras or encoders, offer a different amount of processing power for video content analysis (VCA).
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    ‎11-17-2022 09:22 AM
    This article describes idle and removed object detection with Intelligent or Essential Video Analytics in FW 6.30, how to configure it and what the limitations are.
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    ‎03-24-2022 11:37 AM
    The article describes how to track ships using Intelligent Video Analytics with FW 6.30, how to configure this and what the limitations are.
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    ‎11-17-2022 09:24 AM
    The museum mode of Intelligent and Essential Video Analytics is an optimized tracking mode to detect whenever someone tries to reach towards and touch a valuable asset like a museum exhibit. It can also be used in any other application where approaching a sterile zone from a more crowded environment shall be detected.
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    ‎06-11-2024 09:18 AM
    In this article, you will find such an automation process between Bosch Cameras and Advantech Adam I/O devices.
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    ‎04-04-2024 01:55 PM
    The choice of the tool depends on the way the camera and recording are managed.
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    ‎08-14-2023 02:28 PM
    In this article, the technology behind IVA Pro Buildings, IVA Pro Traffic and IVA Pro Intelligent Tracking will be explained, as well as the differences between each other, and towards the more traditional IVA Pro Perimeter and classical IVA.
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    ‎07-29-2024 10:05 AM
    Intelligent Video Analytics (IVA) Pro provides application-specific packages for building security and operations (IVA Pro Buildings), perimeter security (IVA Pro Perimeter), and traffic monitoring (IVA Pro Traffic). While some of the IVA Pro variants are included by default on supported cameras, others can be added via licenses. This article is dedicated to describing the license process in full.
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    ‎11-11-2021 03:08 PM
    Find out from here what is VCA (Video content analysis) and how you can stop this setting.
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