If you have for e.g. a SNC-EM642R camera and you want to find out which device packs you need for your entire solution, follow the steps from this article.
This article shows the blueprints for the three operation modes that the DIVAR IP supports, combined with Remote System Management. They show the capabilities and limitations of Remote System Management in each of the modes.
When login Remote Portal in Configuration Manager v7.20.0067, the following error message is displayed "The remote name could not be resolved: api.remote.boschsecurity.com"
The default behavior of VRM is to redirect requests from "HTTP" to "HTTPS" via the HSTS setting. Never change VRM or any device settings via CM if they are managed by BVMS - BVMS will revert the settings back to previous state as set in BVMS Cc
“Error: Discontinuity in network stream!” appears randomly on the monitor/s connected to the VIDEOJET Decoder 7000 (7513). What could be the likely cause of this?
This document is valid for all VideoView+ versions. Only the release notes of the latest VideoView+ version are fully updated and contain updates for earlier versions as well.
Configure BVMS Operator Client credentials, so the application starts without requesting username and password and add the shortcut path of the BVMS OC to the Windows start up directory