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    ‎10-23-2023 01:25 PM
    If you have for e.g. a SNC-EM642R camera and you want to find out which device packs you need for your entire solution, follow the steps from this article.
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    ‎11-09-2021 04:58 PM
    The 95 W midspan is a high-power PoH (Power Over HDBase T) device that provides data and power between an Ethernet switch and an IP camera.
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    ‎03-22-2023 03:55 PM
    This article shows the blueprints for the three operation modes that the DIVAR IP supports, combined with Remote System Management. They show the capabilities and limitations of Remote System Management in each of the modes.
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    ‎11-17-2022 12:13 PM
    When login Remote Portal in Configuration Manager v7.20.0067, the following error message is displayed "The remote name could not be resolved:"
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    3 weeks ago
    Do you want to know what was changed in the new Alarm Management version? Check this article and find out how and where you can see the new features
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    ‎04-27-2023 12:45 PM
    For all ONVIF, RTSP and JPEG cameras we only support one live stream, and for ONVIF you can only select which profile to use for this one live stream. 
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    2 weeks ago
    Alarm Management has a split user management. The users are created in Alarm Management related to what they are allowed to access in the system.
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    ‎01-11-2024 10:06 AM
    “Error: Discontinuity in network stream!” appears randomly on the monitor/s connected to the VIDEOJET Decoder 7000 (7513). What could be the likely cause of this?
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    ‎05-29-2023 11:05 AM
    This article presents what should be checked when the Sever State is Disconnected in Logical Tree from BVMS Operator Client.
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    ‎11-28-2024 08:13 AM
    Is there a way to request for the panoramic camera de-warped snapshot via URL?
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    ‎11-26-2024 11:30 AM
    This document is valid for all VideoView+ versions. Only the release notes of the latest VideoView+ version are fully updated and contain updates for earlier versions as well.
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    ‎02-23-2024 01:47 PM
    Configure BVMS Operator Client credentials, so the application starts without requesting username and password and add the shortcut path of the BVMS OC to the Windows start up directory
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    ‎10-29-2024 02:20 PM
    This policy explains step-by-step what you should know about the Divar IP process when contacting Central Technical Support team and what to expect from them.
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    ‎06-14-2023 11:13 AM
    This article explains the meaning of each color on the Playback timeline in BVMS Operator Client.
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    ‎08-21-2023 03:55 PM
    This article presents where are the Transcoder Log settings and how to enable them for log collection.  
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    ‎09-26-2024 10:21 AM
    Camera integrated as NTCIP with SUNGUIDE software works great, but as ONVIF there are issues with the focus. When trying to adjust the focus from the SunGuide software, there are no changes with the camera image.
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    ‎12-15-2022 01:27 PM
    This is a living document and the list will be constantly updated. Details can also be found in the BOSCH Product catalogue:
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    ‎12-03-2024 08:52 AM
    This article contains a step-by-step guide which explains how you can do the setup for the camera's live view image pane to be displayed in full screen in the Operator Client if a motion alarm is triggered on that camera,
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    ‎03-30-2022 02:10 PM
    When using ANR function in combination with 'alarm only' recording , recording 1 is with only the motion recorded.
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    ‎05-25-2021 10:11 AM
    In Cloud-based Services, different 'Actions' can be configured for automatic processing as well as manual action for the operators (Alarm Agents). There are 2 different options how an action is processed: An 'Automatic Action' is processed automatically when the related Service Scenario is performed. An 'Intervention Action' is executed manually by an operator from the Cloud-based Service Operator Interface. This note shows available actions in Cloud-based Services and provides a step by step instruction to configure these actions.   Step-by-step guide   1. Send e-mail "Send e-mail" sends an e-mail notification to the configured recipient(s). The action can be used as manual action for the operators (Intervention Action). The content of the alarm email can be configured to the customer's needs.   To configure a "Send e-mail" action, perform the following steps: 1. Open Cloud-based Services Configuration website (/config), log in as Integrator or Config Agent. 2. Enter the related Account. 3. Click tab 'Actions'. 4. Click '+' button to add an action. 5. Give the action a descriptive name and select 'Email'. 6. Type recipients, CC's, mail subject and message. Use the pull down to enter environment variables to the e-mail text. 7. Click 'Create'. 8. Add the action to a Service Scenario for processing.   2. Execute PTZ Command "Execute PTZ Command" starts an auxiliary command on a Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) camera. The action can be used for automatic processing (Automatic Action) as well as manual action for the operators (Intervention Action). Note the available auxiliary commands in the camera’s manual. To configure an "Execute PTZ Command" action, perform the following steps: 1. Open Cloud-based Services Configuration website (/config), log in as Integrator or Config Agent. 2. Enter the related Account. 3. Click tab 'Actions'. 4. Click '+' button to add an action. 5. Give the action a descriptive name and select 'Execute PTZ Command'. 6. Select PTZ camera, select auxiliary command and type the command No. 7. Click 'Create'. 8. Add the action to a Service Scenario for processing   3. Go to PTZ Preposition "Go to PTZ Preposition" moves a Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) camera to a preposition. The action can be used for automatic processing (Automatic Action) as well as manual action for the operators (Intervention Action). The prepositions (shots) need to be configured via the Device Page upfront. To configure a "Go to PTZ Preposition" action, perform the following steps: 1. Open Cloud-based Services Configuration website (/config), log in as Integrator or Config Agent. 2. Enter the related Account. 3. Click tab 'Actions'. 4. Click '+' button to add an action. 5. Give the action a descriptive name and select 'Go to PTZ preposition'. 6. Select PTZ camera and type the preposition No. 7. Click 'Create'. 8. Add the action to a Service Scenario for processing.   4. Play Audio on Device "Play Audio on Device" replays an audio file directly from the device's loudspeaker. The action is intended to perform standard audio interventions without the need for the operator (alarm agent) to talk. "Play Audio on Device" can be used for automatic processing (Automatic Action) as well as manual action for the operators (Intervention Action). Audio files need to be prepared and installed by CBS development. If you want to use your own audio files, please get in contact with technical support. To configure a "Play Audio on Device" action, perform the following steps: 1. Open Cloud-based Services Configuration website (/config), log in as Integrator or Config Agent. 2. Enter the related Account. 3. Click tab 'Actions'. 4. Click '+' button to add an Action. 5. Give the Action a descriptive name and select 'Play audio on device'. 6. Select the audio device and select the audio file. 7. Click 'Create'. 8. Add the action to a Service Scenario for processing.   5. Switch Relay "Switch Relay" switches a relay of one or more IP devices. The action can be used for automatic processing (Automatic Action) as well as manual action for the operators (Intervention Action). To configure a "Switch Relay" action, perform the following steps: 1. Open Cloud-based Services Configuration website (/config), log in as Integrator or Config Agent. 2. Enter the related Account 3. Click tab 'Actions'. 4. Click '+' button to add an action. 5. Give the action a descriptive name and select 'Relay'. 6. Select activation mode and select one or more relays to switch. 7. Click 'Create'. 8. Add the action to a Service Scenario for processing.   6. Notify Monitoring Center and Log Event Both action types "Notify Monitoring Center" and "Log Event" are obsolete and can not be used in a Service Scenario.  See also: How to add a user to Remote Alert service in Remote Portal?
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