Bosch Building Technologies

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    100% helpful (4/4)
    ‎01-24-2022 02:25 PM
    The IP camera address is always the key if you would like to monitor or remote viewing it. Like any network device, the camera is assigned an IP address when it is connected to the router with Internet access and powered on. Here we will introduce 3 ways to find the network camera IP address quickly and easily.
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    ‎08-23-2021 09:07 AM
    This article informs about improvements in firmware handling and new security mechanisms that help our customers to increase security related to firmware updates and IP camera protection.
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    ‎03-07-2023 03:52 PM
    If you are interested in retrieving the stream of an IP camera using multicast, please check out the options from this article.
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    100% helpful (1/1)
    ‎11-17-2022 04:55 PM
    The browser supported by Bosch cameras depends on the CPP that camera belongs to and on the Firmware version the camera has.. In web browsers that do not support MPEG-ActiveX, VCA configuration is only possible via Configuration Manager.
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    ‎12-21-2022 12:41 PM
    To guarantee high quality imaging through the entire range of products, Bosch Security Systems uses a Common Product Platform (CPP).
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    ‎08-29-2023 10:47 AM
    Follow the instructions from this article and find out how you can activate a license on your Bosch camera.
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    ‎10-28-2022 01:22 PM
    Whenever a central NTP Server is available the recommendation is to synchronize all cameras against the NTP central server.
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    ‎12-21-2022 04:25 PM
    The Project Assistant offers two ways of importing existing project data Importing a .bpassist file or importing from a tab-separated text file
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    ‎11-21-2022 07:38 AM
    This article is meant to provide you with the step-by-step guide to activating the wiper and the white lights illuminator option, if your camera is equipped with both of them.
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    ‎03-01-2023 04:17 PM
    This guideline will help you set the position of the camera  image to an appropriate one. If the picture of the camera is inverted in the live view, please follow the steps below to reverse it.
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    ‎04-05-2021 11:39 AM
    Do you want to configure the 3rd party iSCSI storage with different LUNs for recording more cameras without Bosch VRM? This article explains you if this application is supported.
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    ‎02-21-2023 10:13 AM
    This article provides you the solution when the MIC IP starlight 7100i camera wiper stops on the screen. Furthermore, you will learn how to perform a physical reset of the camera.
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    ‎10-13-2023 10:48 AM
    Depending on the FW version of cameras and BVMS version you have installed, different possible situations can occur such as: the cameras are not working because the firmware is old, Configuration Client will display a message like: "unknown platform", Gaps in recordings or not recording at all and so on
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    ‎03-03-2023 08:47 AM
    The unit can receive the time signal from a time server using various time server protocols and then use it to set the internal clock. The device polls the time signal automatically once every minute. To check the NTP connection from the camera please follow this article.
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    100% helpful (1/1)
    ‎05-15-2023 10:55 AM
    If you want to improve the image quality of your Bosch camera and you did not find the FPS option in the Web User Interface, please follow this article and you will find the answer.
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    ‎08-29-2023 10:42 AM
    Find out from this article where you can find the installation code needed to license a Bosch camera
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    ‎07-27-2021 04:56 PM
    This article explains how to integrate the Bosch MIC IP 7000 HD camera series into any existing analog CCTV system using the Bosch VIDEOJET decoder 3000. The most common integration scenarios are listed below: Simple integration using direct connectivity to analog monitor and joystick, typically found in single camera installation (for example, mobile surveillance vehicles) Integration into an existing analog matrix switcher typically found in large installations (such as for city surveillance)
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    ‎08-05-2021 01:20 PM
    The default Community Strings for Bosch cameras is - public. To change it, please follow the steps below.
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    100% helpful (1/1)
    ‎01-19-2023 09:23 AM
    Please keep in mind that for SNMP v3 only the the Standard MIB II file is supported. This means that only general network device performance monitoring parameters can be requested. There is no Bosch Private MIB II extension for SNMP v3. 
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    ‎10-21-2022 03:00 PM
    Find out from this article what might be the cause that could lead to this message being displayed: “error 18: wrong or no signature”
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