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    ‎05-29-2023 10:32 AM
    This article is a step-by-step guide about how to disable the Live and Playback page in VRM monitor version higher than 4.10.  
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    ‎05-19-2023 02:32 PM
    BVMS Operator Client has live issues (black image, the app closes by itself, pixelation of images, same camera shown in multiple cameos although it was only selected once, hibernation/power saving, part of the tree view seen in the Image Panes area). Follow this article and find out how you can check the basics for BVMS Operator Client live issues
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    ‎05-18-2023 05:21 PM
    This behavior was improved with the release of Video Security Client/App 3.2.3.
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    ‎05-16-2023 04:37 PM
    In many cases a minimum and maximum retention time needs to be defined in a video surveillance systems due to legal requirements. While the minimum retention time defines the time period for how long video recordings need to be stored, the maximum retention time defines after which period of time the recordings have to be deleted. Thus, the minimum retention time is going to influence the amount of storage needed. The higher the minimum retention time the more storage space is required.
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    ‎05-10-2023 10:56 AM
    The "Import" icon may be missing from table view in Configuration Manager, version <7.50. Therefore, we recommend to update the Configuration Manager to v7.50
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    ‎05-05-2023 12:21 PM
    This article aims to provide concerned parties, such as customers, users, operators or consultants, with an overview of data privacy and protection related features of BVMS Person Identification. Moreover, this article describes how data, as processed during the Person Identification steps, can be classified. Finally, this article lists technical measures for data protection in the context of BVMS Person Identification.
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    ‎05-05-2023 11:04 AM
    This article explains how to find the source (details of the workstation) and credentials that are used to attempt to login into BVMS (when the attempt has failed)
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    ‎05-05-2023 09:03 AM
    Transcoding is the feature to display the streaming of live video as smooth as possible based on available network bandwidth. In this article you will find out why there is black image in Op. Client (Transcoder not available)
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    ‎05-05-2023 08:53 AM
    This article explains the meaning of the arrows in circle at the central logical tree in the BVMS Operator Client list
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    ‎05-05-2023 08:46 AM
    The validity of the SMA date should cover the BVMS version release date you wish to upgrade to. Otherwise, the upgrade will not work and you will get the message "It is not possible to upgrade the software of this System Info file to a newer version". Also, please note that this message could occur in case you are trying to upgrade your BVMS and it is on the latest available version released.
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    ‎05-04-2023 03:31 PM
    According to the release note of the Video Security Client (page 3), you will notice that it is specified that the export of the mp4 video using the Video Security App on iOS or Android device is not possible, while for PC should work without issues.
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    ‎05-04-2023 03:25 PM
    This article contains the step-by-step guide related to the MP4 Video Export from Video Security Client to your PC (Windows) in a local directory. In this article, the Video Security Client is connected to the Remote Portal and explains how you can export video from cameras connected to your RP account.
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    ‎05-02-2023 11:27 AM
    Find out from this article what you should check when there is a black image of your camera in Operator Client when clicking on the Instant Playback
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    ‎05-02-2023 11:22 AM
    “Server is not online” message is displayed when accessing BVMS Operator Client. After clicking OK, the Operator Client is opening in a loop and never stops. What should you do?
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    ‎04-27-2023 08:07 AM
    Using the camera's Dropbox account when doing an export from the VSC app is not possible anymore with the newest version of FW.
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    ‎04-26-2023 04:27 PM
    "Error occurred when creating docker virtual machine. Refer to log for more info." Find out our recommendations from this article if  this message occurs
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    ‎04-26-2023 08:13 AM
    The attached documents show the different design options that are available when designing a BVMS system. For BVMS 10.1, we have extended the blueprints with Person Identification, the Access Management System, and updated the Enterprise overview.
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    ‎04-20-2023 03:49 PM
    Welcome to the 3.3 release of Video Security for Windows, Android and iOS. There are new features and bug fixes in this release, some of the highlights are described in this article!
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    ‎04-20-2023 02:55 PM
    Port Mapping Table dialog box displays the port mapping for the IP addresses of the configured devices in your BVMS. Be aware that this option was removed starting with BVMS 11.1
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    ‎04-20-2023 01:36 PM
    BVMS OPC server restricts the use of some symbols in the camera names
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