What is the maximum firmware version supported by cameras depending on the BVMS version?
A possible situation can occur when you have, for example, one DIP 3000 with BVMS 8.0 and CPP7.3 cameras. The cameras are not working because the firmware is old.
The behavior that might arise could be:
VCA settings cannot be changed
Logs warning: "2020-11-22 04:49:29.339;cameraId=\0\1;Sender;Error;This device has an abnormal high storage consumption. To protect other recordings, storage allocation is reduced. But this may result in recording gaps for this device"
Please check below the limits of the camera firmware version, depending on the CPP and BVMS used, based on the following compatibility list:
BVMS v8, v9, v10, v10.0.1, v10.1:
✅ The table below lists the firmware versions which were used in the BVMS 11.0 system test:
*This information is also available in the BVMS 11.0 Release Note
✅ The table below lists the firmware versions which were used in the BVMS 11.1.1 system test:
*This information is also available in the BVMS 11.1.1 Release Note
✅ The table below lists the firmware versions which were used in the BVMS 12.0 system test:
*This information is also available in the BVMS 12.0 Release Note
✅The table below lists the firmware versions which were used in the BVMS 12.0.1 system test:
*This information is also available in the BVMS 12.0.1 Release Note