Bosch Building Technologies

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    ‎02-08-2023 09:13 AM
    The digital monitor wall functionality was removed since BVMS v11.0, and this is also stated in the release notes.
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    ‎05-02-2023 11:27 AM
    Find out from this article what you should check when there is a black image of your camera in Operator Client when clicking on the Instant Playback
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    ‎08-18-2023 09:13 AM
    When using Bosch cameras for IVA Calibration performed with Bosch Configuration Manager 7.70.0090, the Scenario selection is not there anymore, and by default it selects bird's eye view.
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    ‎10-13-2023 08:30 AM
    This article answers the question:  Is there a search limit of results in BVMS Operator Client Logbook for collecting license plate data?
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    ‎07-24-2023 11:35 AM
    If you would like to exclude certain Events and Alarms from being written in the BVMS logbook you do have the option to exclude such information.  
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    ‎01-17-2024 03:39 PM
    Starting from Firmware v8.80.0090, the file for all CPP14 sub-platforms are now unified into a single file.
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    ‎11-08-2023 12:36 PM
    For Scriplets (because they are process of BVMS): .NET 4.8.  For SDK App: BVMS SDK .dll is compiled in .NET 3.5; .NET 4.8 can be used because it is backward compatible
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    ‎08-25-2023 08:28 AM
    Note that the recordings are not removed instantly. The recordings will be deleted on the next day at 12:00 AM, after the automatic delete is changed.
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    ‎08-18-2023 10:11 AM
    Find out from this article what to do if the System Overview of Bosch camera shows the I/O controller FW version as zeros
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    ‎02-23-2024 01:39 PM
    This behavior occurs when you have requested the SMA extension and you didn't upload the Activation file in the BVMS Configuration Client.
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    ‎11-16-2023 09:15 AM
    Port 3260 is used on iSCSI ports. Control-ports require 2463, 50889, 161, 162, 80 and 443 to be accessible.
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    ‎10-13-2023 08:11 AM
    This article presents the the successor of VIDEOJET Decoder 7000 (VJD-7513). The replacement of it is F.01U.407.935 / VJD-7523.
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    ‎08-18-2023 10:03 AM
    Find out from this article what to do if the System Overview of Bosch camera shows the IR controller FW version as zeros
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    ‎08-18-2023 09:59 AM
    Find out from this article what to do if the System Overview of Bosch camera shows the Motor controller FW version as zeros
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    ‎12-07-2023 08:03 AM
    You should only subscribe directly to this article (Option 1) or to the software_release_notification label (Option 2) and you will receive a notification in your inbox every time when a new Software version is released and added to the lists within this article.
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    ‎07-06-2022 09:48 AM
    Find out from this article the steps that should be considered for a planned shutting down and powering up of your BVMS system
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    ‎01-25-2024 10:08 AM
    This behavior is mentioned in the release notes and as a workaround you can separate the cameras into different groups. For example, if you have cameras in 2 different locations, it would be actually better to separate the cameras in 2 groups. But please be informed that by doing so, you will not be allowed to view them all together.
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    ‎08-18-2023 09:54 AM
    Find out from this article what to do if the System Overview of Bosch camera shows the SC or Camera controller FW version as zeros
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    ‎12-01-2023 01:12 PM
    Glutton (German: Vielfraß) defines and prevents a camera or multi-channel encoder from mounting and consuming  a large number of  blocks in a very short time.
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    ‎05-11-2023 03:54 PM
    If you were asked by the Central Technical Support team to provide them with the Bios defaults picture with the Boot order of your DIVAR IP during the troubleshooting process of your device, please follow the steps from this article and find out how can you check the boot order of a DIVAR IP
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