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    4 weeks ago
    The internal logs are directly located in the folder C:\ProgramData\Bosch\VMS\Log and then are named like "CameoSdkLog_Instance1.txt.0".  To activate the Cameo SDK logging, the "Init" button has to be pressed after setting the checkbox "Internal logging" and entering an instance name - then logging is activated with the given instance name (e.g. "Instance1").
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    ‎03-26-2024 02:38 PM
    In the Logbook, you can search for particular events, alarms, devices, and strings of events.  You have the possibility to save the BVMS Operator Client alarm logbook, before accepting and clearing it.
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    ‎03-26-2024 02:24 PM
    Starting with BVMS version 12.0, the Privacy overlay feature was introduced. This feature can be configured to blur objects of type Person, based on a powerful Bosch Artificial Intelligence (AI) function
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    ‎04-23-2024 03:38 PM
    When a user decides to use SingleKey ID (SKID) or an integrated customer IDP (company account) as the authentication method for Bosch Remote Portal or Alarm Management a technical password will be required to login to other applications that do not support SingleKey ID or any other IDP. In the following, it is explained how to create a technical password and how to use it with an application like for example Bosch Configuration Manager or Bosch Project Assistant app, that does not support SingleKey ID or any other IDP.
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    ‎04-12-2024 10:45 AM
    All multitenant cloud instance migrate to under SingleKey ID (SKID) access management. This means: - One single email/password for login all integrated applications - One digital id for your users - All existed email migrate under single Key id - If you have same email address for system users and company user, it will migrate as system user
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    In the winter period, if there is no PAN functionality in the camera and despite this, the TILT still works, this could be caused by the snow or ice that might be stuck between the static part of the camera and the moving camera head. Find out from this article how you can prevent this happening.
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    ‎02-23-2024 02:05 PM
    You can create a Command Script using the following scripting languages: C# and VB.Net You cannot change the scripting language of an existing Command Script. You can create a Client Script or a Server Script. You can add multiple scriptlets to every script.
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    ‎02-23-2024 01:31 PM
    The MBV-MBase is the license that allows you to extend the SMA in Remote Portal. You receive this license when you place an order to Order Desk for SMA extension and it must be activated in the Remote Portal and on the server like any other license.
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    ‎03-04-2024 04:57 PM
    BVMS Desktop screen (BVMS Kiosk screen) has several customization possibilities for introducing a company logo picture and a custom text, as well as selecting if an application icon will appear on the screen or not.  Follow this article to see the guidance on how to make these customizations.
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    The RCPP command to enable/ disable the privacy masks is CONF_PRIV_MSK_POLY - 0x0bd8. Follow this article to see the rcpp command to enable & disable the privacy mask of a Bosch camera (moving or fixed).
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    ‎03-04-2024 09:19 AM
    In order to enhance user experience and security for all connected recording and management systems, Bosch has upgraded the cloud and service infrastructure. As a result, existing connections between DIVAR IP all-in-one systems and Remote Portal were terminated on February 15th 2024 and will need to be restored.
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    ‎01-25-2024 09:54 AM
    IPMI allows you to remotely monitor and manage certain aspects of the DIVAR IP all-in-one 7000 2U (gen 3), such as power status, temperature, fan speed, and other hardware-related information.
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    ‎01-19-2024 11:23 AM
    This is a Camera Trainer exercise that shows how you can Train the Camera for paper jam detection on the paper shredder.
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    ‎01-18-2024 12:40 PM
    New menu option "Import from csv file" available when right clicking on a VRM pool within the Device Tree of the Configuration Client. The option is not offered for Live only or Local storage cameras. 
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    ‎04-10-2024 09:26 AM
    You can try the steps explained in this article to create a Task using Task Scheduler from MS Windows
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    Preventing condensation on security cameras is crucial because it can obstruct the camera's view, affecting its ability to capture clear footage. Over time, moisture build-up can potentially damage the internal components of the camera, affecting its functionality and lifespan
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    ‎01-09-2024 08:46 AM
    This article explains how to enable or disable audio recording for specific camera in BVMS, on action of BVMS Operator Client user.   Follow the step-by-step guide from this article.
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    In case you have noticed a gap between the left and right of the lens installation, this might cause improperly focus for the camera's image. Therefore, please proceed as explained in this article.
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    ‎12-01-2023 01:49 PM
    Starting with BVMS v10.0, you can leverage VRM Encryption Technology.
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    ‎11-30-2023 01:46 PM
    During the troubleshooting process, the Central Technical Support team often needs to run several different loggers to gain a more complete understanding of the problem.  You can use custom console traces to regroup and run different loggers that are not combined in the default Server Admin list. To create and run custom console traces for Security Center, follow the steps from this article.
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