Global VCA under the VCA task in Configuration Manager is used from default on the camera (with no specific configured VCA Rules). VCA Profile: Global (from Positioning) is used to set the same height of the camera for all VCA profiles.
In this scenario, an alarm button is connected to the Adam unit and when this input is activated (close or open), a full screen camera image shows on the display. The display is always logged in the Operator Client for live camera view on the DIVAR IP 7000 AIO.
In the Logbook, you can search for particular events, alarms, devices, and strings of events. You have the possibility to save the BVMS Operator Client alarm logbook, before accepting and clearing it.
Be sure that the MIC-7100i camera is configured in BVMS Configuration Client with "Bosch-AutoDome Bilinx" protocol and not with "Bosch-AutoDome" protocol or other options from the list.
Bosch requires the installer to provide the specified power mentioned on the product spec sheet and labels. While taking into consideration the POE standards. Bosch doesn't support out-of-spec operation of our cameras as we cannot guarantee proper functionality in such circumstances. Thus, we will not be providing out-of-spec voltage or power values at this stage.
In this article you will find attached an example of scriplet that turns BVMS Operator Clien in full screen mode and creates and displays a simple favorites of one camera
The maximum zoom speed in the GUI is operational but is only applicable during "manual control." When the operator calls for 30x, the zoom speed has to remain constant. While the speed may not be as rapid as anticipated, it is essential to understand that this camera model is already operating at its optimum capacity.
‘Status 11’ means that the wiper is blocked and cannot move freely or cannot move at all.
Please check if the wiper is working properly and can move freely.
IPMI allows you to remotely monitor and manage certain aspects of the DIVAR IP all-in-one 7000 2U (gen 3), such as power status, temperature, fan speed, and other hardware-related information.
In case you have noticed a gap between the left and right of the lens installation, this might cause improperly focus for the camera's image.
Therefore, please proceed as explained in this article.
Hash Tag "#" is one of the few special characters, which is accepted by the camera, but it cannot be accepted on BVMS side (in order to connect to the camera) — due to the limitations of communication specifics some BVMS components are using. And as a result, communication might not work properly and "No connection" warning message in Operator Client image pane and black screen might occur
The validity of the SMA date should cover the BVMS version release date you wish to upgrade to. Otherwise, the upgrade will not work and you will get the message "It is not possible to upgrade the software of this System Info file to a newer version".
Also, please note that this message could occur in case you are trying to upgrade your BVMS and it is on the latest available version released.
The BVRAdmin password is a password for a Windows user and needs to be changed accordingly, from Windows settings. Please be aware that if you have BVMS installed on your DIVAR, it is important to change in BVMS Configuration Client the iSCSI target password after this was changed for BVRAdmin user.
One of the reason for this error when trying to access the VCA Tasks/ Metadata Generation could be generated because of the configured tasks which exceeded the Script Size limit (limit=2000 bytes) and metadata cannot be read.
Preventing condensation on security cameras is crucial because it can obstruct the camera's view, affecting its ability to capture clear footage. Over time, moisture build-up can potentially damage the internal components of the camera, affecting its functionality and lifespan